
The contents on this page, including all images and pictures, was created by DTU Nanolab staff unless otherwise stated.
LabAdviser is a Wiki designed for users of DTU Nanolab facilities. It contains information about available equipment and fabrication processes in the cleanroom facilities in 346/347 and the characterisation equipment in building 307/314.
LabAdviser is meant to help you finding the right equipment and give you a good starting point for your cleanroom process and/or for further optimization to meet your requirements. However, due to continuing development of many processes on many tools, please be aware that not all information for all tools might be available or up-to-date. Labadviser should also not replace communication with Nanolab staff, but we strongly recommend to read information on LabAdviser material as preparation before contacting staff.To fully exploit LabAdviser, you need to log in with your DTU credentials.
If in doubt, you are always welcome to contact us via
Any feedback and/or input is welcome to the LabAdviser mailbox:
If you are not a current user you are free to surf around, but please note that note that not all information might be available. You can take a Virtual Tour of the DTU Nanolab cleanroom facility.
You can explore our YouTube channel with a selection of training videos.
Please also take a look at our homepage for more information.
LabAdviser contains information about
- Equipment for micro- and nanofabrication available in the Cleanroom Facility (building 346 and 347)
- Equipment for characterization, primarily electron microscopy (building 314 and 307)
- Equipment available in the PolyFabLab and Packlab (346)
- Process Steps in micro- and nanofabrication available in the Cleanroom facility
- Electron microscopy methods available in building 314/307
- Introduction to LabAdviser and Micro/Nano Fabrication
- Introduction to LabManager
- Process flow template & approval (fabrication)
- Characterization in building 314/307
- Micro and Nano Fabrication Overview
- Courses (Introduction course, Tool Package Training's (TPT))
- Some DTU Nanolab Projects - Technology Research
- Surveys, statistics, monthly LabAdviser updates and other info.
- How to add information to LabAdviser
Overview of micro and nano fabrication steps - a guide to where you can find fabrication information in LabAdviser
All drawings in this section done by Jesper Hanberg @DTU Nanolab
Click on [show] and see choices to the right
Contact Information for the DTU Nanolab (Cleanroom)
In order to get the quickest response to training requests, process approvals, questions etc. please use the following mailboxes to DTU Nanolab.
Subject | Description | |
Training and Process Flow | | All requests regarding equipment training and process flows. Please add your Name to the subject line. Note: Requests are commonly answered within 2 workdays. |
E-beam training | | Requests regarding training on JEOL JBX-9500FSZ or Raith Eline e-beam systems. Please study the material on the EBL Labadviser pages beforehand. |
E-beam Cassette loading | | Requests regarding cassette loading on JEOL JBX-9500FSZ. |
General inquiries | | Inquiries related to machines, cleanroom access, Mask review, tool changes, and others. Please add your Name to the subject line. Note: Requests are commonly answered within 2 workdays. |
Metal Wishes | | Requests for change of metal in Thin Film Deposition equipment. See current and future materials in statuslog of the respective machines.
Gas-related Requests | | All topics gas-related (issues, information regarding ordering, delivery, changing etc). Mostly for internal DTU Nanolab use. |
LabAdviser Mailbox | | Any questions or feedback to LabAdviser. |
Commercial Inquiries | | For all inquiries regarding in-sourcing, commercial applications, rent of cleanroom space, etc |
DTU Nanolab Fabrication Cleanroom Naming and Phone Numbers
Cleanroom building 346 ground floor
Basement building 346 phase 1

DTU Nanolab building 314 and Phone Numbers