LabAdviser/Technology Research/Fabrication of Hyperbolic Metamaterials using Atomic Layer Deposition/TIO ALU Gratings Procces flow

From LabAdviser

Procces flow description

The substrates for the samples were fabricated by depositing 1 μm of Si3N4 (the resonator layer) on 100 mm silicon < 100 > wafers using low-pressure chemical vapor deposition. The process was carried out at 780C with ammonia (NH3) and dichlorosilane (SiH2Cl2) as reactive gases. Thickness and refractive index of the deposited silicon nitride was measured and confirmed using spectroscopic ellipsometry. The deposited Si3N4 film was carefully analyzed for existence of cracks, particles and other defects using dark field optical microscopy. The best-quality wafer with Si3N4 was selected and cleaved in pieces, which were used as substrates for the deposition of Al2O3/TiO2 multilayers. Before inserting each substrate into the ALD reactor, it was placed on a Si carrier wafer. Therefore the Al2O3/TiO2 multilayers were grown not only on the Si3N4 layer but also on the dummy carrier wafer. After the ALD process was completed, the dummy was cleaved and its cross-section was characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The SEM images reveal high-quality homogeneous, conformal coatings, as seen in the examples in Figs 1. Such a method of deposited multilayers characterization turned out to be more feasible than the direct SEM characterization of multilayers on Si3N4, since the latter suffers from issues related to charge accumulation on the silicon nitride.

Process flow

Hej Evgeniy
Jeg har lagt dette eksemple på et process flow ind. Alt tekst og billeder skal selvfølgelig erstattes af relevante process steps for denne artikel.

Mvh. Berit

Step Description LabAdviser link Image showing the step
1.1 Plasma surface treatment To ensure clean surface, the 100 mm Si wafer is treated by O2/N2 plasma. (Optional step) Plasma Asher 2
1.2 DUV Resist patterning DUV DUV Stepper Lithography.
1.3 Deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) DRIE; Recipe: PolySOI10 DRIE Pegasus.
1.4 Plasma surface treatment To ensure that remainings of DUV resist are gone, samples are treated by O2/N2 plasma. (Optional step) Plasma Asher 2.
1.5 Scanning Electron Microscopy inspection By cleaving the sample it is possible to inspect DRIE etched Si trenches in cross-sectional mode

SEM Supra 1
SEM Supra 2
SEM Supra 3

1.6 Atomic Layer Deposition of either Al2O3 or TiO2 Deposition carried at 150C.Thickness is 90 nm. Equipment used: ALD Picosun R200. Standard recipes used: Al2O3T and TiO2T .
1.7 Scanning Electron Microscopy inspection By cleaving the sample it is possible to inspect ALD coatings deposited on Si trenches in cross-sectional mode

SEM Supra 1
SEM Supra 2
SEM Supra 3

1.8 Opening of deposited Al2O3 or TiO2 top layers. Etching happens using ICP Metal etcher with Cl2/BCl3 process gasses. Equipment used: Metal ICP Etcher.
1.9 Scanning Electron Microscopy inspection By cleaving the sample it is possible to inspect ICP etcher results Si trenches in cross-sectional mode

SEM Supra 1
SEM Supra 2
SEM Supra 3

1.10 Selective etch of Si between ALD Al2O3 or TiO2 coatings. Si etching proceeds using ICP Metal etcher with isotropic process based on SFf process gas. Equipment used: Metal ICP Etcher.
1.11 Scanning Electron Microscopy inspection of fabricated structure. Proof of final result.

SEM Supra 1
SEM Supra 2
SEM Supra 3

1.12 Ion beam etching. (Optional) Additional shape of the top part. 20 mijn etch using recipe "Ti acceptance" there the stage shoud be placed to 0o degree. SEM cross section is used for inspection IBE/IBSD Ionfab 300