LabAdviser/314/Microscopy 314-307

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Electron Microscopy at DTU Nanolab building 314/307

What kind of microscopes are available?

At DTU Nanolab - building 314/307 are different types of microscopes available:

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) TEM Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) SEM Dual-beam Electron Microscopes - FIB-SEM and PFIB-SEM FIB

Which techniques are available?

Depending on the equipment, different techniques are available:

X-Ray spectroscopy (EDS/WDS) EDS/WDS Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) EELS Energy Filtered TEM (EFTEM) EFTEM
Electron Backscatter Diffraction and Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (EBSD/TKD) EBSD/TKD Electron Holography Holography Diffraction Diffraction

What to do with the data?

Available software at DTU Nanolab Available software Lattice fringe analysis Lattice fringes Remote Access for Staff Remote access to the microscopes for DTU Nanolab staff