Specific Process Knowledge/Characterization/XRD/HighScore analysis
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HighScore Plus
HighScore Plus is the software package supplied with the Malvern Panalytical Aeris benchtop Powder XRD. This software is available on the shared data analysis computer located in 346-904 just to the right of the XRD Powder. You can log onto this computer either directly when you are sitting in front of it or through remote desktop from your own computer.
Using HighScore Plus
For a guide to use this software, we recommend that users try to follow the tutorial found on labmanager.
HighScore Plus has several analysis functions, for which there is no license in SmartLab Studio II, including Structure Solution, Structure Refinement, and Rietveld analysis. The software is only suitable for powder analysis.
Remote login to Analysis desktop
Use the Windows Remote Desktop Application to log on to the computer (the app is called Windows Fjernskrivebord on computers running in Danish). You can find this application in the DTU Software center if you have a DTU computer. You will have to log on to the DTU network using VPN in order to access the computer with remote desktop. Use Cisco Anyconnect which can also be downloaded from the DTU software center.
Once you open the Remote Desktop App, you have to enter the name of the computer you want to log on to. Type in NTCH-D0186. The Remote Desktop app should add the extension .win.dtu.dk to the name. Use your normal DTU credentials to log on to the computer. You will find a shortcut to the HighScore software on the desktop and you can access data on your M-drive and O-drive from the computer (if you are a DTU student or employee). It's also possible to access files through a browser with files.dtu.dk or of course to transfer data to the computer from the XRD Powder via USB.