Specific Process Knowledge/Etch/Etching of Titanium

From LabAdviser

Etching of Titanium

Etching of Titanium is done wet at Danchip. We have two solutions for titanium etching:

  1. BHF
  2. Cold RCA1 (as stripper)

Do it by making your own set up in a beaker in a fume hood - preferably in cleanroom 2 or 4. BHF etching can also take place in the PP-etch bath in the fume hood in cleanroom 2.

Comparing the two solutions

General description

Etch of titanium with or without photoresist mask.

Etch of titanium (as stripper)

Chemical solution HF:NHFailed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/":): {\displaystyle _4} F NH3OH:H2O2:H2O - 1:1:5
Process temperature Room temperature Room temperature
Possible masking materials

Photoresist (1.5 µm AZ5214E)

Etch rate

Not known (it bubbles while etching)

Not known

Batch size

1-5 4" in beaker 1-25 wafers at a time in PP-etch bath

1-5 4" wafer at a time

Etch bath Beaker or PP-etch bath in the fume hood in cleanroom 2.
Allowed materials

No restrictions when used in beaker or PP-etch bath in the fume hood in cleanroom 2.

No restrictions when used in beaker.