November 2021 Survey

From LabAdviser
# Comments: Answers
1 I think that the TPTs in general have been very useful for myself and others. I think more information about available TPTs could help new users. The information about TPTs is a bit scattered around on LabAdvisor. We have tried our best to cellect all about TPT's in LabAdvisor here: and on our homepage here:
2 The training videos made for the various equipment located in the cleanroom are super helpful when learning to use new equipment before the trainings. They can however be hard to find as a new user and it could be a great addition if a dedicated page on LabAdviser could be made gives a list with a list of the equipment to which training videos have been made with links to youtube. The link to the page could be placed in the left sidebar next to the TPT/intro course link. Thank you for the suggestion. It is now passed on to our LabAdviser responsible
3 Having different trainings for machines with the same working principle and platform doesn't make much sense, but it is understandable. Maybe it could be possible to get training in packets. In some of our TPTs we do gather training on similar tools. More often there are small but important differences between otherwise similar tools which may be overlooed if training is done on more tools at the same time. Furthermore, the training on a similar second tool is often shorter than on the first tool.
4 Everything is good thanks
5 Have them trained in an "all-around" course where multiple techniques are shown in order to help them familiarize themselves with different processes and clean room basics. This is exactly why we have our 3-weeks, master and PhD courses 10851/10852, 10855 and 10868.
6 Hands on training in a fabrication course like the one the PhD students have along with the TPT courses would be very useful for all the new users. This is exactly why we have our 3-weeks, master and PhD courses 10851/10852, 10855 and 10868.
7 It's been 6 years since I had intro course for cleanroom, so I am not up to date with current procedure. I have an impression that it is improved since then and I don't have any useful suggestions. Thank you!
8 I think, it is great, as it is. A good training procedure, ensures that the general high standards are maintained. Thank you!
9 Some times it is hard to find a specific member of the staff. You can find contact information to our staff on the homepage:
10 I think the current system is fine :-)
11 A more consistent quality of training would be nice, as well as a detailed hands-on explanation of handling Lab Manager while in the cleanroom. We have online training videos for LabManager af Youtube. Unfortunately our resources does not leave room for detailed training in LM inside the cleanroom.
12 Explain more clearly to new users about when the machines should be set out of use and when it is enough to ask Nanolab personnel to set it to limited use. Sometimes new users set the machines out of use only for part of the processing that does not work for them, but they completely block others from using the part that still works. We try to be observant on these situations and change an "out of use" setting to "limited use" when possible.
13 Maybe combine the first lithography trainings with training in the plasma asher. We often do so if the user need and ask for plasma cleaning.
14 I don't know. I think it works well under normal conditions (it was a bit more complicated during the period when the filters were changed) Yes, we know. Fortunately, we do not change FFU's very often.
15 I think it already is easy :) good!
16 - Basic introduction courses for students and non-students. Might be a small project to manufacture a sample item with supervision. This is exactly why we have our 3-weeks, master and PhD courses 10851/10852, 10855 and 10868.
17 I think the process for getting access to the cleanroom works well. The only thing that comes to mind is that it takes some time to get completely confident and comfortable when working in the cleanroom, for me it really helped to work with someone else from my group in the beginning. I am not sure how to do it, but maybe some more encouragement for new people to work with a colleague/supervisor in the beginning would be good. We understand your point of view and you can really learn a lot from your colleagues.

However,when it comes to training on tools we are afraid that an experienced user may transfer outdated/wrong information or bad habits to newcomers.

18 Make training videos for new users. We have training videos for many tools. Please let us know if you need videos for specific tools or processes
19 The startup process was good, simple and straight forward. The labadvisor homepage can be a little hard to navigate, and there are several sites that are needed with convoluted paths to get to the right information (kemibrug, and labmanager are both not very modernly designed.) Renewing information sources would make beginners work a lot more easy. We agree about the old fashioned design of both kemibrug , LabManager and LabAdviser. It is however a matter of resources and we prioritize content over design.
20 I think the TPT training followed by a practical training is a good way to save a lot of time to have the access of an equipment. We agree!
21 Streamline TPT flow and include as much as possible in DTU Learn. Incorporate online (DTU Learn) segments of TPTs in relevant master and bachelor courses e.g. Fabrication of micro and nano structures. I believe this idea or something similar has already been set in motion, but nonetheless would improve accessibility and efficiency and free up Nanolab staff resources to meet increased demand for hands on training of new users. All theoretical parts of TPT's should now be available on DTU Learn. However, some prefer class teaching others online.
22 I think you are doing a lot already. Would not be able to suggest something more: it will risk, in my opinion, to have more incidents due to inexperienced users. Yes!
23 The training videos are great! Keep making those. *****
24 I think it is already quite easy, given what you need know to start working there. *****
25 Maybe there should be a specific time-slot for TPT's every month, bi-month or something like that." It is a matter of resources and number of new users