May 2017 Survey
Survey introduction
The May 2017 survey was the 16th survey carried out using a format where individual cleanroom users were asked about their view on various parts of using DTU Danchip's facilities and in particular the cleanroom facilities.
The questionnaire was send to 85 registered users (based on the logging of cleanroom use with more that 10 hours usage/booking) unfortunately 3 of the e-mail adresses was obsolete and thus the mails bounced, which brought the total number of potential answers to 82 . In total an answer fraction of 12%.
This page deals with the comments given as part of the questionnaire. Danchip values this feedback highly.
The comments appear here as they were written in the feedback field of the questionnaire. In a few cases they have been anonymized or the worst spelling mistakes corrected.
Comment 1
Det kunne være fedt hvis kortere projekter som bachelor og fagprojekter fik fortrinsret til træning så man kan nå sit projekt i den givne ramme. Jeg skulle nå 5 steps, have træning i dem alle. Men der var ofte 14 dages ventetid mellem hvert step fordi andre brugere havde booked udstyret uafbrudt og ansatte havde ferie. Flere gange fik jeg ikke træning pga ventetid på udstyr folk havde booked men endte med at stå ubrugt. Det er ikke tilfredsstillende.
Action: No action
Comment 2
The two new NILT imprinters are still not in Labmanager for booking. It has been like this for about half a year or more. I don't understand.
Action: No action
Comment 3
Issue with poor signal-to-noise ratio of Danchip emails persists, causing critical information to be camouflaged behind the blizzard of "[equipment which I don't even use] booking deleted"-type of emails. Such emails could be sent via Labmanager to only those interested. Decommissioning and moving of equipment should be more clearly forewarned, and perhaps regular users could first be asked whether a planned change would disrupt their work significantly.
Action: No action
Comment 4
Dear Danchip. I think that the columns of this survey should be overhauled. I do not see the difference between "unsatisfied" and "very unsatisfied". Moreover, I would like to use something between "satisfied" and "unsatisfied" as well. Generally, well done though.
Action: No action