Specific Process Knowledge/Lithography/EBeamLithography/EBLProcessExamples

From LabAdviser

This page is under construction. In time we will fill it with relevant process examples and relevant data.

Mix-and-match with EBL and UV lithography

Using mix-and-match it is possible to combine EBL and UV lithography using selected resists. Read more on the Mix-and-match page.

Single spot EBL on JEOL 9500

Arrays of circular holes can be created by normal area writing of a mask of circular structures. It can however also be done with a single spot approach, where the beam will dwell at each spot for several 100 ns and hence each spot will become a circular structure by local over exposure. You can read more about this method in the linked article.

Single-spot e-beam lithography for defining large arrays of nano-holes


Article on quality control on the JEOL 9500 system

Quality control of JEOL JBX-9500FSZ lithography system in a multi-user laboratory