Specific Process Knowledge/Characterization/XRD

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XRD at Nanolab

We have two X-ray diffraction setups in building 346:

Data analysis

For data analysis, we recommend using Rigaku SmartLab Studio for both thinfilms and basic powder analysis. If more advanced powder analysis is needed a remote desktop with a licens for the Malvern Panalytical software, HighScore is available.

Comparison of the XRDs at Nanolab

Equipment XRD SmartLab XRD Powder
Purpose Crystal structure analysis and thin film thickness measurement
  • Phase ID
  • Crystal Size
  • Crystallinity
  • Quality and degree of orientation
  • 3D orientation
  • Latice strain
  • Composition
  • Twist
  • 3D lattice constant
  • Thickness
  • Roughness
  • Density
  • Phase ID
  • Crystal Size
  • Crystallinity
X-ray generator

Maximum rated output

3 kW

600 W

Rated tube voltage

20 to 45 kV

40 kV

Rated tube current

2 to 60 mA

15 mA


Sealed tube

Sealed tube




Focus size

0.4 mm x 8 mm (Line/Point)

0.4 mm x 12 mm (Line)


Scanning mode

incident / receiver coupled or independent

incident / receiver coupled

Goniomenter radius

300 mm

145 mm

Minimum step size

0.0001° (0.36")

0.001° (3.6")

Sample stage

  • χ:-5~+95°
  • φ:0~360°
  • Z:-4~+1 mm
  • X,Y:±50 mm for a 100 mm wafer
  • Rx,Ry:-5~+5°

Fixed with rotation

Sample size

Diameter: 150 mm Thickness: 0~21 mm


Optics Incident side
  • Cross Beam Optics(CBO)
  • Ge(220)x2 monochromator
  • In-Plane Parallel Slit Collimator (PSC)
  • Soller slit
  • Variable divergence slit
  • 0.04° soller slit
  • Ni and Cu filter
  • Divergence slits
  • Beam mask
Receiver side
  • Automatic variable scattering slit
  • Automatic variable receiver slit
  • Parallel slit analysers (PSA)
  • Ge(220)x2 analyser
  • 0.04° soller slit
  • Ni filter
Substrates Measurement temperature

Room temperature

May be heated in N2 up to 500°C

Substrate size

up to 150 mm wafers

Only for powders

Allowed materials

All materials

All materials have to be approved