Specific Process Knowledge/Characterization/Probe station

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Probe Station

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Probe station

Probe station. Positioned in serviceroom CX1

The purpose is to measure the thickness of wafers, depths of larger grooves or height of larger mesas.

During a KOH etch it can be helpful to ensure no over-etching by making a thickness measurement during the etching.

Equipment performance and process related parameters


Thickness measurer

  • Wafer thickness
  • Depths of larger grooves
  • Heigth of larger mesas


Thickness resolution

  • < 5 µm


Batch size

  • One sample
Substrate materials allowed
  • No restrictions

The Probe station is a - EPS150Triax - Cascade for I/V measurement, ohmic measurements etc, it has 4 individually adjustable probes, but can be fitted with more. It has several source meters, multi meters and a computer attached.

It can be used from pieces up to 6" wafers

Probe station: positioned in Service room CX1

The user manual, technical information and contact information can be found in LabManager:

Probe station