Specific Process Knowledge/Thermal Process/C3 Anneal-bond furnace

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Anneal-bond furnace (C3)

Anneal-bond furnace (C3). Positioned in cleanroom B-1

The Anneal-bond furnace (C3) is a Tempress horizontal furnace for oxidation and annealing of new and processed (bonded) silicon wafers.

This furnace is the third furnace tube in the furnace C-stack positioned in cleanroom B-1.

In this furnace it is allowed oxidize and anneal wafers without doing an RCA clean first. Also bonded wafers comming directly from the Wafer Bonder (assuming they were clean and not have been exposed to any metal when entering Wafer bonder) can be processed in the furnace. Check the cross contamination information in LabManager before you use the furnace. Silicon wafers without any metal coming from PECVD 3 can be annealed in the furnace.

The user manual, technical information and contact information can be found in LabManager:

Anneal-bond Furnace (C3)

Process knowledge

Overview of the performance of Anneal Bond furnace and some process related parameters

  • Oxidation of Si wafers
  • Annealing of processed wafers, eg. bonded wafers from EVG NIL
  • Dry
  • Wet: with bubbler (water steam + O2)
Performance Film thickness
  • Dry SiO2: 50 Å to ~2000 Å (it takes too long to grow a thicker oxide)
  • Wet SiO2: 50 Å to ~5 µm (it takes too long to grow a thicker oxide)
Process parameter range Process temperature
  • 800-1150 oC
Process pressure
  • 1 atm
Gas flows
  • N2: 0-10 slm
  • O2: 0-10 slm
Substrates Batch size
  • 1-30 100 mm wafers (or 50 mm wafers) per run
Substrate materials allowed
  • Silicon wafers (new wafers or RCA cleaned wafers)
  • Silicon wafers with layers of silicon oxide or silicon (oxy)nitride (RCA cleaned)
  • Wafers from the LPCVD furnaces
  • Wafers from Wafer Bonder 02 (assuming they were clean and not have been exposed to any metal when entering the Wafer Bonder 02)