Nov 2015 Survey

From LabAdviser
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Survey introduction

The November 2015 survey was the 13th survey carried out using a format where individual cleanroom users were asked about their view on various parts of using DTU Danchip's facilities and in particular the cleanroom facilities.

The questionnaire was send to 378 registered users (based on the logging of cleanroom use) unfortunately 11 of the e-mail adresses was obsolete and thus the mails bounced, which brought the total number of potential answers to 362 . In total 64 persons answered the questionnaire which means an answer fraction of 17%.

This page deals with the comments given as part of the questionnaire. Danchip values this feedback highly.


The comments appear here as they were written in the feedback field of the questionnaire. In a few cases they have been anonymized or the worst spelling mistakes corrected.

Comment 1

In the last months is really complicated to have time for using the equipment. It is always busy and full booking in working hours.


Comment 2

Some of equipments are over booked and administration are not checking who has over booked.


Comment 3

More courses where you can make stuff!


Comment 4

Some pieces of equipment is booked many weeks in advance, and some users are not good at sending out cancellation notices, so other users can step in and take up processing.


Comment 5

We totally understand that some machines failed due to complicated reasons. However, we wish danchip could try to provide at much information to the customers as possible, instead of keep postponing the expected ready date without saying much. So the customers can arrange their work in a better way.


Comment 6

Perhaps investing in an Advanced Silicon/Oxide Etcher, which is dirty, i.e. you will allow metals and stuff inside.


Comment 7

In order not to get too many messages about everything that is happening in the cleanroom, but that this not really relevant for everyone, a system where messages regarding equipment could be sent through lab manager. That way, only people who are authorised at the relevant equipment could be informed. The tool in lab manager to only get notifications is not very useful as long as everybody writes messages about e.g. removed booking to the cleanroom-all-users list.


Comment 8

Spin Coater: Manual All Resist is heavily used, with real no alternative options, and appears that it would be cheap to purchase an extra of these machines - also in order to have an alternative in case of down-time. Jeg har allerede udfyldt spørgeskemaundersøgelsen, men er siden kommet på et ekstra punkt til feedback: Jeg synes at der er et stort problem med, at det er kutyme at sende mails ud til hele Cleanroomuser-list, hver gang man bliver tidligere færdig med eller sletter en booking. For mig at se er det direkte spam, idet hundredevis af mennesker modtager hver mail, og beskeden måske kun er relevant for en håndfuld af dem. Antallet af den slags mails er meget højt. For at bevare min forstand har jeg opsat en indbakke-regel, som automatisk sætter en mail som læst, hvis den kun er sendt til Cleanroomuser-list. Det betyder bare, at den sjældne relevante mail, typisk vigtige mails fra DanChip, nemt bliver overset, og det vil være min påstand, at mange andre også må overse de vigtige mails, i det hav af irrelevante mails (måske >99%) der bliver sendt til den mailing liste. Jeg synes at I allerede har lavet en stor forbedring ved at man på LabManager kan vælge, hvilke maskiner man ønsker at modtage mails fra på LabManager. Er det ikke muligt at give folk samme mulighed for at sende "I deleted my booking"-mails via LabManager, og derved kun ramme de, som har har udtrykt interesse for den pågældende maskine, og derved reservere Cleanroomuser-list til de vigtige mails, som faktisk har generel relevans?.


Comment 9

I appreciate the help provided by the Thinfilm Group (Henrik Nielsen) in getting the Alcatel up and running - crucial to my research. This Winter we are aiming at getting the SERS chip to a clinical trial, including children with cystic fibrosis at Rigshospitalet. Again, it will be crucial for this work to have the Alcatel running stabile.


Comment 10

I still do not know why I have been charged, since my project number is internal at DTU


Comment 11

I found beakers for HF in III-V room is uncomfortable to use. They are sliding out of hands and easy to drop, Taking in account danger of HF I am not unsatisfied with equipment. SEM Zeiss is very busy. New Zeiss is already two weeks used by Danchip but released for public. Taking in account frequency of problems with Zeiss Supra I am satisfied with performance of equipment. Also, to reduce time of answer for request of training I would like to suggest automatisation of training among Danchip staff. For every device there is a group of responsibles. I suggest to create a web form for training request. This will allow to direct request to responsible group. Moreover, I suggest to have to have a cycle queue of group members, so request will be directed to first in queue automatically. One more. As ever Danchip staff is responsible for specific group of devices, I suggest to implement badges (for example hand bands). So I can be sure, that I am asking right person. It is also good to have similar marking for Danchip staff in CR list, so one can be sure that responsible can be found in CR. Also, it will good to have list of people in CR accessible online, so one can check the person and mark oneself as out of cleanroom, in case one forgot to swipe out or didn't notice that swipe hadn't worked.


Comment 12

Spin Track 1 is most of the time out of use and or it crashes after few wafers, and this is, as customer, quite annoying.Furnaces sometimes are out of use for quite a lot of time (B2 for instance) In this moment there are 9 machines out of use 11 in Limited use 3 in service.


Comment 13

I had a hard town finding proper gowns that fit with shoes that fit.


Comment 14

Very helpful and reactive staff. Equipment and process performance not always reliable, resulting in a number of different quality issues over time.


Comment 15

For some I am not satisfied with equipment availability - pegasus - alcatel - wordentech - SEM ZEISS I am not satisfied with performance of equipment - pegasus - wordentech


Comment 16

Thanks for a great working environment!


Comment 17

I acknowledge that Danchip puts in a lot of hard work in running the facility and it has constantly been growing with new equipment. It was also a big factor for my decision to do a PhD at DTU. However, there has been a lot of downtime on certain machines and that is a big bottleneck for many projects. For me, I have milestones set with an industry and they have grown really impatient due to the delay in delivery of results. We have been 6-9 months behind our set deadlines. For example, the IBSD machine has been down for long periods of time. Most of the times the reason has been failure of parts, and the frequency of failing has been quite high too. I respect Pete and Martin for having working hard to get back the machines on time. However, when there is a part to be replaced, there is a long wait time. I know it has to do with the delivery of parts from companies. But is there a way in which you could have some agreement / contract with them? You guys know your job well and are doing a great job in running the facility. I hope it can be even better.


Comment 18

My experiencw is that staff personel varies from very helpful and approachable to sometimes borderlining rude and indifferent. Mostly the latter fortunately. Information level is very timely and resolving issues with equipment usually fast.


Comment 19

Reply or feedback from some Danchip staffs is qutie slow.


Comment 20

Lithography has been dreadful this month. Used HMDS2 on a 24 wafer batch and all resist fell off upon development. Then SSE spinner broke down and has basically been down 3 weeks...Also, Pegasus is overbooked and has been for a long time.


Comment 21

PECVD2 is always with particles which makes device fabrication failed at this step. EVG-NIL is always out of use. In addition, for E-beam writer, it is better to train normal users to load the cassette. It will make the use of the machine more efficiently.


Comment 22

I work in the old III-V yellow room, and this room need a upgrade.


Comment 23

It would be really nice if you switched back to the old gloves, they were perfect. The new ones are uncomfortable, hard to put on, and in general annoying.


Comment 24

Generally quite good. room is clean. Really helpful technicians. there are some small things I think we can improve. Some small tools like conductive taps and holders are sometimes not available. Hope we can buy from you or have a cabinet for these stuff. Coffee machine does not work, have no cups for water.


Comment 25

It´s been a lovely november :-)
