May 2013 Survey

From LabAdviser
Revision as of 11:21, 21 June 2013 by Meno (talk | contribs)

Survey introduction

The May 2013 survey was the ninth survey carried out using a format where individual cleanroom users were asked about their view on various parts of using DTU Danchip's facilities and in particular the cleanroom facilities.
The questionaire was send to 252 registered users (based on the logging of cleanroom use) unfortunately 5 of the e-mail adresses was obsolete and thus the mails bounced, which brought the total number of potential answers to 247 . In total 49 persons answered the questionaire which means an answer fraction of 19% regardless of whether or not the bounces should be included in the total.
This page deals with the comments given as part of the questionaire. Danchip values this feedback highly.


The comments appear here as they were written in the feedback field of the questionaire. In a few cases they have been anonymized or the worst spelling mistakes corrected.

Comment 1

The best SEM (Zeiss) is always overbooked and it is quite difficult to find a time slot if not planning the inspection in advance. When are the users of III-V semiconductors getting the new aligner? This event was mentioned in the last meeting with Danchip.


Comment 2

Claus is the man


Comment 3

Keep up the good work!


Comment 4

I find it a waste of both time and chemicals to clean wafers before usage, since they are already clean and vacuum packed when they arrive. If 3rd parties wish for them to be cleaner, then let those person perform the extra cleaning process and not everyone who needs a wafer now and then.. Also: A lot of people don't use the logs. I have used the SEM (Zeiss) frequently and some days its booked from 8-19, but only one or two persons have logged it when I arrive after 19.


Comment 5

It was a very educative and interesting experience. All the staff, the conditions, as well as, the cleanroom conditions were excellent contributing in a better understanding of the experiment.


Comment 6

Some key equipment items are often out of use. e.g. MVD


Comment 7

EVG-NIL and obducat have been down frequently. Pressure gauge problem in the III-V RIE makes me couldn't leave the machine all day. There're 3 SEMs but people only want to use Zeiss. That includes myself too because I could obtain the best image using Zeiss. However, if the other 2 can get the same quality image as in Zeiss, it'd help increase the equipment availability a lot.


Comment 8

Availability of Equipment ... depends on the equipment! SEM-Zeiss is usually heavely booked and quick investigation of an etching result to proceed with further steps is impossible during normal work hours. A shoehorn placed next to the "take the shoes off line" would be helpfull. ;-) A better place for the wardrobe would be nice. Perhabs a little one in the corner next to the "take the shoes off line". .


Comment 9

why are rules more and more restrictive, it used to be possible to show cleanroom to visitors, if they have been accomplished and not allowed to touch anything.


Comment 10

We had some availability issues with the IBE deposition recently. I'm am very satisfied otherwise and would like to use this opportunity to thank you for your great work again.


Comment 11

There is way to many useless mails about equipment not being used any more. If this could be changed so that you via the labmanager homepage were able to say what equipment you were interested in. And then only receive mails about those, that would be great.


Comment 12

Some equipment, especially for III-V materials doesn't work from time to time and is not always stable.


Comment 13

Muligheden for at sende sine skiver ud skulle måske benyttes mere hvis det udstyr vi har her ikke kan løse opgaven. Det skal siges at Danchips personale i udpræget grad er hjælpsomt næsten så meget at man bliver mistænksom :). Det er godt at arbejde et sted hvor man bliver mødt med smil og åbne arme samt hjælp!


Comment 14

As a relatively new clean room user, I find that I must frequently search for materials within the clean room - such as tweezers, manual scribing materials, wafer boxes - myself. Thus I think it would be quite useful to have a general inventory that lists the location of most of these aforementioned materials. Cheers!


Comment 15

It would be a benefit with two cleanroom mailing lists. One for all the status change of equipments and users saying they are done early, and one for general and important information from Danchip. With the present mailing list, most of the information you send out, drowns in all the other often not relevant emails. Also, Danchip staff is often slow at answering emails. Especially when writing to the From what I have heard, many in staff do not like this email and prefer you write directly to them. This should be standardised to only one system for machine training, to not waste time when writing to an email often not answered.


Comment 16

Jeg oplever ofte at jeg ikke får svar på emails sendt til de overordnede mailadresser ("training", "photolith" etc.). Det er ret frustrerende at man aldrig rigtig ved om ens mail kommer det rigtige sted hen. ofte ved man godt hvem det er man skal i kontakt med, og det går altid hurtigere at tage direkte kontakt til den pågældende danchipmedarbejder. På den måde er de "samlede" mailadresser kun til besvær :(


Comment 17

Only thing needed to be improved is mail-response time.
