LabAdviser/314/Microscopy 314-307/FIB/Hydra

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Helios 5 Hydra UX DualBeam

Reading Materials

Technical Notes


  • Electron beam:
    • At optimum WD: 0.7 nm at 1 kV • 1.0 nm at 500 V (ICD)
    • At coincident point: 0.6 nm at 15 kV • 1.2 nm at 1 kV
  • Xe Ion beam resolution at coincident point:
    • <20 nm at 30 kV using preferred statistical method
    • <10 nm at 30 kV using selective edge method


- PFIB column with unique inductively coupled plasma (ICP) source supporting four ion species with fast switching capability. Ion species available: Xe, Ar, O, N

- MultiChem Gas Injection System (GIS) (for W and Pt both E and I beams. C deposition E beam only. XeF2 and H2O etching Ion beam only. Check this)

- Thermo Scientific EasyLift™ NanoManipulator for precise in situ sample manipulation

- Everhart-Thornley SE detector (ETD)

- In-chamber electron and ion detector (ICE) for secondary ions (SI) and electrons (SE)

- EDS detector

- In-chamber Nav-Cam Sample Navigation Camera

- Integrated plasma cleaner

May have: (need to check)

- Thermo Scientific CryoCleaner Decontamination Device



- Retractable low-voltage, high-contrast directional solid-state backscatter electron detector (DBS)

- Elstar Column in-lens SE/BSE detector (TLD-SE, TLD-BSE)

- Elstar Column in-column SE/BSE detector (ICD)*

To find the basic instructions for operating the instrument, the reader is referred to the labmanager manual.

Important Notes

Who may operate Helios 5 Hydra UX DualBeam

Equipment performance and process related parameters

Process information