LabAdviser/314/Microscopy 314-307/FIB/Hydra: Difference between revisions

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- PFIB column with unique inductively coupled plasma (ICP) source supporting four ion species with fast switching capability. Ion species available: Xe, Ar, O, N
- PFIB column with unique inductively coupled plasma (ICP) source supporting four ion species with fast switching capability. Ion species available: Xe, Ar, O, N

- MultiChem Gas Injection System (GIS) (for W, Pt and C both E and I beams.) ''XeF2 and H2O etching Ion beam only.'' '''Check this''')
- MultiChem Gas Injection System (GIS) (for W, Pt and C both E and I beams.)

- Thermo Scientific EasyLift™ NanoManipulator for precise in situ sample manipulation
- Thermo Scientific EasyLift™ NanoManipulator for precise in situ sample manipulation

Revision as of 15:24, 8 February 2022


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Helios 5 Hydra UX DualBeam

The Helios 5 Hydra UX DualBeam consists of two independent charged particle sources: 1- electrons, 2- plasma ions (choose from Xe, Ar, O or N). FEG-SEM with versatile characterization capabilities. At the time being, this microscope SEM provides highest resolution among all operational SEMs at DTU Nanolab, when operated for high resolution imaging (i.e. using low kV , in-lens detector, and in immersion mode)(Correct? IF so remove from helios). This microscope is equipped with the following detectors BSE (backscatter electrons), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) (backscatter diffraction pattern), Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) (X-Rays), ICE (secondary ions and electrons), etc. The plasma focused ion beam (PFIB) with inductively coupled plasma source supporting four ion species (Xe, Ar, O, N) provides the possibility of characterization of microstructures by imaging and serial sectioning via sputtering. The microscope is equipped with a micro (Nano?) manipulator for high quality TEM sample preparation and the microscope can with the AutoTEM software do automated lift-out procedures with high precision. The combination of PFIB sputtering capabilities, and 2-dimentional imaging and mapping (in case of EDS and EBSD) facilitates 3-dimentional characterization.

Reading Materials

Technical Notes


  • Electron beam:
    • At optimum WD: 0.7 nm at 1 kV • 1.0 nm at 500 V (ICD)
    • At coincident point: 0.6 nm at 15 kV • 1.2 nm at 1 kV
  • Xe Ion beam resolution at coincident point:
    • <20 nm at 30 kV using preferred statistical method
    • <10 nm at 30 kV using selective edge method


- PFIB column with unique inductively coupled plasma (ICP) source supporting four ion species with fast switching capability. Ion species available: Xe, Ar, O, N

- MultiChem Gas Injection System (GIS) (for W, Pt and C both E and I beams.)

- Thermo Scientific EasyLift™ NanoManipulator for precise in situ sample manipulation

- Everhart-Thornley SE detector (ETD)

- In-chamber electron and ion detector (ICE) for secondary ions (SI) and electrons (SE)

- EDS detector

- In-chamber Nav-Cam Sample Navigation Camera

- Integrated plasma cleaner

- Elstar Column in-lens SE/BSE detector (TLD-SE, TLD-BSE)

- Elstar Column in-column SE/BSE detector (ICD)

May have: (Check this)

- Thermo Scientific CryoCleaner Decontamination Device



- Retractable low-voltage, high-contrast directional solid-state backscatter electron detector (DBS)

To find the basic instructions for operating the instrument, the reader is referred to the labmanager manual.

Important Notes

  • ALWAYS make sure the EDS (and EBSD relevant?) detectors are RETRACTED when opening and closing the chamber.
  • Do NOT adjust the Nitrogen regulator!!!
  • Always open and close the chamber GENTLY whilst viewing the live CCD image.
  • Only home the stage with open door or if in vacuum only with holders that you are 100% sure it is safe to do so.
  • Make sure you delete all saved positions before finishing your microscope section.
  • When moving between saved positions, BE CAREFUL! If you are unsure move the Z height to the lowest point and lock it so as not to collide with the pole piece.
  • Use the logbook
  • NEVER work without a valid link between the Z and the FWD
  • ONLY INSERT EBSD CAMERA if the sample is at the correct position (in case of a special EBSD holder the stage must be tilted to 16 °). Relevant?
  • Always use GLOVES. Only vacuum-ready samples and holders are allowed inside the chamber.
  • DO NOT install ANY software on either the microscope or support PC,.
  • Transfer your files at the end of each session. We will be deleting files from the support computer without notice.

Who may operate Helios 5 Hydra UX DualBeam

The rules of who may operate the Helios 5 Hydra UX DualBeam and to what extent they may operate it are:

  • Only users who have been trained and approved by DTU Nanolab personnel may operate the instrument. Irregardless of their prior experience any new user with no official DTU Nanolab training or approval cannot operate the instrument, not even under close supervision by experienced users.
  • Users may only use the instrument to the extent they have been trained. This means that one should not try to operate the following options/capabilities without explicit training:
    • EBSD capability Relevant?'
    • EDX capability
    • NanoManipulator
    • Plasma cleaner

Correct? Anything else?

Equipment performance and process related parameters

Process information