The Laser Micromachining Tool is a microSTRUCT vario from the company 3D-Micromac AG.
The machine is located in the basement of building 346 under the cleanroom.
The user manual(s), user APV(s), technical information and contact information can be found in LabManager:[1]
It is equipped with 2 high power lasers:
a 50W picosecond laser that can emit light at 3 wavelengths: 355nm, 532nm and 1064nm (Time-Bandwidth Products, Fuego/Duetto. See some details in this article: [2] ) with a pulse repetition rate from 200kHz up to 8000kHz.
and a
a 100W nanosecond laser with a wavelength of 1064nm (IPG Laser YLP-HP series) with a pulse repetition rate of 100kHz.
The system is able to produce micro structures in different kinds of materials like metals, ceramics, composite materials, etc.
It can produce features down to ~10µm size over a large area. It can scan over an area of up to ~15x15cm without moving the sample. By moving the sample on the large x-y-stage this area can be extended by stitching.
The laser can use Autocad DXF files for the pattern design. To create these files we recommend to use Clewin 5. See more info here.
Samples can easily be removed with a soft mechanical pressure. A layer of resist can be deposited on the top without influenced the dicing. Thicker layers (oxyde or nitride) have not been tested.
The parameter filename extension is here set to .xls because of MediaWiki restrictions. The 3DMM laser software uses .par as parameter file extension.
The file should be a pure text-file with no formatting codes etc.