Specific Process Knowledge/Lithography/EBeamLithography/EBLProcessExamples

From LabAdviser

This page is under construction. In time we will fill it with relevant process examples and relevant data.

Mix-and-match with EBL and UV lithography

Using mix-and-match it is possible to combine EBL and UV lithography using selected resists. Read more on the Mix-and-match page.

Circle arrays by single spot EBL on JEOL 9500

Arrays of circular holes can be created by normal area writing of a mask of circular structures, this is illustrated in the left side of the figure below. In this case the drawn circles are filled with beam shots, just like for any other area based exposure. For large arrays this can however be quite slow and hence it can be faster to write circles with local overexposure of single beam shots, i.e. a setup where the beam is pitched at the required circle pitch and the beam dwells at each site to produce a circle of the required size. In this approach dwell times will typically be in the order of several 100 ns to a few µs.

The concept is illustrated below. On the left side is the standard area exposure where the circles are drawn as circles and filled with beam shots. In the center

Example of the three different approaches for exposing arrays of circles. In all cases the red areas are the areas drawn in the mask file. The small circles indicate beam positions.

You can read more about this method in the linked article.

Single-spot e-beam lithography for defining large arrays of nano-holes

Article on quality control on the JEOL 9500 system

Quality control of JEOL JBX-9500FSZ lithography system in a multi-user laboratory