Specific Process Knowledge/Thin film deposition/Furnace LPCVD Nitride/Deposition of stoichiometric nitride using the 6" LPCVD nitride furnace

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From April 2016 the 6" LPCVD nitride furnace has been decided mainly to deposition of low stress (silicon rich) nitride, but it is still possible to deposit stoichiometric nitride on 6" wafers. Deposition of stoichiometric nitride on 4" wafers can be done as a back up of the 4" LPCVD nitride furnace

Standard recipes on the 6" nitride furnace:

Quality Controle (QC) for the 6" LPCVD nitride furnace (Oct. 2010 - Oct. 2013)

There is no QC on "NITRIDE4" and "NITRIDE6" recipe.

QC recipes "4NITDAN" - now "NITRIDE4"

Stoichiometric nitride

"6NITDAN" - now "NITRIDE6"

Stoichiometric nitride

Wafer size and

number of wafers

4" wafers

25 wafers in a run

6" wafers

25 wafers in a run

Deposition time 45 min 45 min
DSC (dichlorsilane) flow 40 sccm 45 sccm
NH3 (ammonia) flow 160 sccm 180 sccm
Pressure 200 mTorr 200 mTorr

(zone 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

780oC, 780oC, 780oC, 790oC, 790oC 780oC, 780oC, 780oC, 790oC, 790oC
QC limits 4" wafers 6" wafers
Nitride deposition rate and non-uniformity

over one wafer

1.41 - 3.90 nm/min

< 4.71 %

2.03 - 3.09 nm/min

3.98 %

Refractive index and non-uniformity

over one wafer

1.95 - 2.06 nm/min

< 1.19 %

1.98 - 2.04 nm/min

< 0.65 %

Nitride deposition rate and non-uniformity

over the boat

1.41 - 3.81 nm/min

< 7.30 %

1.96 - 3.07 nm/min

< 6.71 %

Refractive index and non-uniformity

over the boat

1.96 - 2.05 nm/min

< 1.53 %

1.98 - 2.03

< 0.76 %

Number of particles

over one wafer

< 10 particles < 15 particles
Number of pinholes

over one wafer

< 4 pinholes < 6 pinholes

Expected results when using the standard recipes on the 6" nitride furnace:

QC Recipe Nitride deposition rate [nm/min] Uniformity of the

nitride deposition rate [%]

Refractive index Uniformity of the

refractive index [%]

Stress [MPa]
Over one wafer

4" wafers

Average values, Oct. 2010 - Oct. 2013
"4NITDAN" - now "NITRIDE4" 2.60 3.00 2.006 0.30 ~1100 (measured November 2010)

~1150 (measured January 2013)

Over one wafer

4" wafers

Average values, Feb 2024
"NITRIDE4" 3.44 1.77 2.011 0.01
Over the boat

4" wafers

Average values, Oct. 2010 - Oct. 2013
"4NITDAN" - now "NITRIDE4" 2.58 3.20 2.009 0.10
Over the boat

4" wafers

Average values, Feb 2024
"NITRIDE4" 3.42 2.89 2.013 0.01
Over one wafer

6" wafers

Average values, Jul. 2010 - Oct. 2013
"6NITDAN" - now "NITRIDE6" 2.56 1.57 2.01 0.31
Over the boat

6" wafers

Average values, Jul. 2010 - Oct. 2013
"6NITDAN" - now "NITRIDE4" 2.52 1.95 2.01 0.25