Specific Process Knowledge/Thin film deposition/ALD2 (PEALD)/AlN deposition using ALD2/Acceptance test AlN

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AlN with N2 plasma

The test was done with 300 cycles at 350 °C where the growth rate was measured to be 0.0625 nm/cycle.

TMA N2 plasma
Nitrogen flow 150 sccm 100 sccm
Pulse time 0.1 s 21.0 s
Purge time 4.0 s 4.0 s

Uniformity profile across 150 mm Si wafer based on 49 measurement points measured with ellipsometer. The values for the grown oxide thickness can be seen in the table below.

Parameter Average Min. Max. Std.Dev %Range
Thickness (nm) 18.77 18.02 19.73 0.41 9.0619

Pernille Voss Larsen, Mikkel Dysseholm Mar and Tanja Amport, DTU Nanolab, 2016-2017.

AlN with N2 plasma on trenches

The test was done with 1000 cycles at 350 °C.

TMA N2 plasma
Nitrogen flow 150 sccm 100 sccm
Pulse time 0.1 s 26.0 s
Purge time 4.0 s 15.0 s

Additionally the picoflow was used for the TMA precursor.

As the SEM images above show only a thin layer of AlN could be deposited at the bottom of the trenches. On the top the growth was significantly higher which lead to a tree like growth. Whereas in the images below no picoflow was used with 500 cycles and the same other parameters as in the run shown above. Without the picoflow a more homogeneous coverage could be obtained and an average growth rate of 0,05585 nm/cycle was measured.

Pernille Voss Larsen, Mikkel Dysseholm Mar and Tanja Amport, DTU Nanolab, 2016-2017.