Specific Process Knowledge/Thin film deposition/ALD2 (PEALD)/Al2O3 deposition using ALD2

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Results from the acceptance test

Al2O3 deposition using TMA and H2O precursors

The test was done with 500 cycles at 300 °C where the growth rate was measured to be 0.8544 nm/cycle.

Nitrogen flow 150 sccm 200 sccm
Pulse time 0.1 s 0.1 s
Purge time 3.0 s 4.0 s
Parameter Average Min. Max. Std.Dev %Range
Thickness (nm) 48.72 48.26 49.37 0.40 2.2856

Pernille Voss Larsen, Mikkel Dysseholm Mar and Tanja Amport, DTU Nanolab, 2016-2017.

Al2O3 with O3

The test was done with 500 cycles at 300 °C where the growth rate was measured to be 0.0752 nm/cycle.

Nitrogen flow 150 sccm 200 sccm
Pulse time 0.2 s 0.1 s
Purge time 3.0 s 4.0 s
Parameter Average Min. Max. Std.Dev %Range
Thickness (nm) 37.63 36.51 39.04 0.81 6.7448

The AFM measured roughness was 0.272 nm.

Pernille Voss Larsen, Mikkel Dysseholm Mar and Tanja Amport, DTU Nanolab, 2016-2017.

Other references

Since the ALD2 is very similar to the ALD1, especially if the thermal lid is installed, you might want to get further information, which can be found here.