Specific Process Knowledge/Lithography/EBeamLithography/JDF-TRAINING

From LabAdviser

This is a JDF for Jeol E-beam, be aware that the working file can be found under Equitment documents in labadviser, do NOT copy this, since it most like will not work!

JOB/W  'METAL',3 			; JDF start with JOB/W 	'METAL' needs CAPITAL letters max 8 letters 							

; For information refer to the "Sdf- and jdf file preparation manual for Labadviser"


GLMPOS	P=(-5500,0),Q=(5500,0)				
;GLMP 5,500,0,0
;GLMQRS 5,500,0,0
PATH DRF5M                                      
	ARRAY	(-3000,3,2000)/(4000,4,2000)					
	CHMPOS M1=(-5000,5000), M2=(5000,5000),M3=(5000,-5000),M4=(-5000,-5000)				 
	ASSIGN P(1) -> ((*,*),SHOT1)

LAYER   1                             	       
	P(1)  'Training.v30'        		
	SPPRM 4.0,,,,1.0,1                          
	STDCUR  11.0 ;nA                            
	SRTPRM 0,0  								

SHOT1: 	MODULAT ((0,0))  					
END                                 	        ;End of jdf-file


;GLMPOS	P=(-4500,0),Q=(5500,0)			;GlobalMarkPOSition design koordinates from center of substrate, P on the left, Q on the right - (X,Y) 	

;GLMP 5,500,0,0					;GLobalMarkP mark design in µm - width, length, shape, rotation (0,0 means cross) 

;GLMQRS 5,500,0,0				; As above for the Q mark if different than P mark - in most cases these 2 lines GLMP/GMLMQRS can be deleted
;PATH CUR5M   					; PATH defines what initial and cyclic calibrations the E-beam will perform before exposure 
						; (DRF5M for no alignment, CUR5M for alignment, alternatively DTU5M or FT01 - ask for more info)                                   

;1:  ARRAY	(0,9,300)/(0,3,1000) 		; All exposures must contain and array even though it is empty (0,1,0)/(0,1,0)
;	 ASSIGN P(1)-> ((1,*),SHOT1)		; Here is a sub array called 1 is defined, with 9 point in X and 3 in Y
;	 ASSIGN P(1)-> ((2,*),SHOT2)		; Starting at (0,0) with a pitch of 300µm in positive X and 1000µm downwards 	
;	 ASSIGN P(1)-> ((3,*),SHOT3)		; P(1) means pattern 1 (defined below) is put in all array slots
;	 ASSIGN P(1)-> ((4,*),SHOT4)		; (*,*) means all positions in the array have this pattern
;	 ASSIGN P(1)-> ((5,*),SHOT5)		; (X,Y) hence (1,*) is position 1 in x and all (3) in Y
;	 ASSIGN P(1)-> ((6,*),SHOT6)		; If a specific point is needed type that position (2,3) is X=2 and Y=3
;	 ASSIGN P(1)-> ((7,*),SHOT7)		; SHOT1-9 denotes that a dose modulation is used - here as a dosetest
;	 ASSIGN P(1)-> ((8,*),SHOT8)		; Each point in X (all 3 patterns in y) have a different SHOT = different dose modulation
;	 ASSIGN P(1)-> ((9,*),SHOT9)	

;	ARRAY	(-3000,3,2000)/(4000,4,1500)	;(-3000,3,2000) = (X-start, X-iterations, X-pitch)/(Y-start, Y-iterations, Y-pitch)
						; 3 iterations in x with a pitch of 2000 and starting at X=-2000 in substrate coordinates moving right
						; 4 iterations in y with a pitch of 1500 (downwards) starting at Y=4000, moving down				

;	CHMPOS M1=(-5000,5000), M2=(5000,5000),M3=(5000,-5000),M4=(-5000,-5000)	
						; CHipMarkPOSition specifies all positions of 4 marks even though on 1 is used.
						; M1 top left, M2 Top right, M3 Bottom right, M4 bottom left (X,Y) in µm from center of design			 

;	ASSIGN P(2) -> ((1,1),SHOT1)		; Modulate dose by SHOT 1 (-20% see below) on this point in the array (1,1) X=1, Y=1  
;	ASSIGN P(3) -> ((1,2),SHOT9)		; Modulate dose by SHOT 9 (+20% see below) on this point in the array (1,2) X=1, Y=1
;	ASSIGN P(4) -> ((2,3),MOD001)		; Modulate dose as PEC as defined below only point specified is used here: (2,3) X=2, Y=3
;	ASSIGN A(1) -> ((*,4))			; Array 1 (A1) see above is inserted in all x positions of the 4th column X=1-3, Y= 4
;	AEND					; AEND specifies the array ends. In this example most of the master array is empty but the pitch can be used still
						; Used: (1,1; 1,2; 2,3; 1,4; 2,4; 3,4) not used: (1,2; 1,3;1,4; 2,1; 2,2; 2,4; 3;1; 3,2; 3,3)

;PEND						; PEND specified that the used PATH ends here, this must come after AEND 			

;LAYER   1                             	        ; Layer 1 is a meta-layer and does not represent and layers in the design - please leave this layer - can be used for greyscale 
;	P(1)  'Training1.v30' 			; Pattern 1 defined in 'Training1.v30'
;	P(2)  'Training2.v30'			; Several patterns and arrays can be defined in a JDF, but must be inascending order and defined in the jdf
;	P(3)  'Training3.v30'
;	P(4)  'Training4.v30'
;	SPPRM 4.0,,,,1.0,1                      ; Beam parameters (default - see section 6.2)
;	STDCUR  11.0 ;nA                        ; Beam current used for writing corresponds to condition file in sdf + 10%
;	SRTPRM 0,0  				; The software Beamer controls the writing order, if not present some changes done in beamer might not occur on the E-beam

;SHOT1: MODULAT ((0,-20))			; each increasing with a 5% dose. data (layer type, m) dose Q = (RESIST(sdf)*(100+m)/100)
;SHOT2: MODULAT ((0,-15))			; (0,-20) means layer type/area 0 will be modulated by - 20% of basedose
;SHOT3: MODULAT ((0,-10))		        ; Each SHOT is a modification of the basedose and can be applied multiple times also on different SDF sequences or different doses
;SHOT4: MODULAT ((0,-5))			; Small steps are good if you know the general basedose and needs it more spcific	
;SHOT5: MODULAT ((0,0))				; Large steps are good for finding a general dose
;SHOT6: MODULAT ((0,5))				; Each point is a pattern, hence dosetest should be made on small outcuts representatives of the full design 
;SHOT7: MODULAT ((0,10))			; SHOT 1 occupies the postion for MOD001, hence dosetest and PEC must be made together in a different way - ask for help if needed
;SHOT8: MODULAT ((0,15))			; Even if several layers are used the layertype here corresponds to the beamer defined layer types not design layers 
;SHOT9: MODULAT ((0,20))			; This denotation is in percentage (%) there are different type, look in the Jeol Manual if needed
;MOD001: MODULAT (( 0,  6.2 ) , ( 1,  7.2 ) , ( 2,  8.3 )	; This is an example of PEC modulation, one layer in the design is cut to 28 layer types 
-     , ( 3,  9.4 ) , ( 4, 10.5 ) , ( 5, 11.6 )			; Each having a different percentage change of the base dose
-     , ( 6, 12.7 ) , ( 7, 13.8 ) , ( 8, 14.9 )			; In this case from +6.2% to +40,3% on the base dose
-     , ( 9, 16.1 ) , ( 10, 17.3 ) , ( 11, 18.4 )		; These values depends on design, materials and many other parameters
-     , ( 12, 19.6 ) , ( 13, 20.8 ) , ( 14, 22.0 )		; Beamer, Tracer or beamfox are powerfull tools to help find these
-     , ( 15, 23.2 ) , ( 16, 24.5 ) , ( 17, 25.7 )		; Dosetest and PEC together should be done as different sequences with PEC in the JDF and stepping ofset and dose in SDF
-     , ( 18, 27.0 ) , ( 19, 28.2 ) , ( 20, 29.5 )		; Alternatively use the CHIPPLACE function in Beamer to generate a dosematrix and the PEC it in beamer as well
-     , ( 21, 30.8 ) , ( 22, 32.1 ) , ( 23, 33.5 )		; For more information refer to the Beamer training videos from GenISys or the example flow (only in version 5.6.0 and newer)
-     , ( 24, 34.8 ) , ( 25, 36.1 ) , ( 26, 37.5 )		; For PEC the material stack, the design are importaint parameters
-     , ( 27, 38.9 ) , ( 28, 40.3 ))				; The amount of layer types generated depends also on if shortrange correction (resist - forward scattering) is used or not

; JDI file values for PEC, (0,6.2): 0 is area 0 modulated by + 6,2%   
;END                                 	          ;End of jdf-file