Specific Process Knowledge/Etch/DryEtchProcessing/Comparison

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Hardware and option comparison of the dry etchers

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page was created by the dry etch group at DTU Nanolab

The table below compares the hardware and the options.

ASE AOE DRIE-Pegasi ICP Metal etch III-V RIE III-V ICP IBE/IBSD Ionfab 300
Pegasus 1 Pegasus 2 Pegasus 3 Pegasus 4
Purpose Primary uses Formerly the primary silicon etcher; now polymers, Silicon oxides and nitrides may also be etched. 5% metal on the surface is allowed. Etching of silicon oxides or nitrides on 4" wafers Silicon etching of 4" wafers Research tool into silicon etching - only a few special recipes! Silicon etching of 6" wafers on 6" wafers Etching of silicon oxides or nitrides on 6" wafers Standard recipes for etching of Al, Cr and Ti, now also etches of W, TiW and Mo Etching of silicon oxide, resist, BCB, silicon nitride, InP, InGaAs and GaAs on III-V substrates Etching of III-V materials such as GaN, InP/InGaAsP/InGaAs, AlGaAs, GaAs Physical Etching of all materials
Alternative or backup uses Backup silicon etcher Barc etch Silicon etcher
General description Plasma source Inductively coupled plasma chamber with two RF generators; the coil and platen generator Inductively coupled plasma chamber with two RF generators; the coil and platen generator Inductively coupled plasma chamber with two RF generators; the coil (with outer and inner coil) and platen generator Inductively coupled plasma chamber with two RF generators; the coil and platen generator Parallel plate capacitor setup with RF power between the two electrodes Inductively coupled plasma chamber with two RF generators; the coil and platen generator Ion beam etcher - sputter etches with argon ions
Substrate cooling and temperature The electrode is oil cooled. Also, Helium backside cooling: -10oC to 20oC The electrode is oil cooled. Also, Helium backside cooling: -10oC to 60oC The electrode is oil cooled. Also, Helium backside cooling: -20oC to 30oC The electrode is oil cooled. Also, Helium backside cooling: -10oC to 50oC The electrode is oil cooled: Fixed at 20oC The electrode is oil cooled with a special chiller. Also, Helium backside cooling: 20oC to 180oC The electrode is oil cooled with a special chiller. Also, Helium backside cooling: 5oC to 60?oC
Clamping and wafer size Electrostatic clamping (semco electrode)
Wafer size 4"
Electrostatic clamping (TDESC)
Wafer size 4"
Electrostatic clamping (TDESC)
Wafer size 4"
Electrostatic clamping (TDESC)
Wafer size 6"
Electrostatic clamping (TDESC)
Wafer size 6"
No clamping
Sample size up to 4"
Mechanical clamping (weighted clamp with ceramic fingers)
Wafer size 4"
Mechanical clamping
Wafer sizes 2"/4"/6"/8"
SF6 O2 C4F8
Ar CF4 CHF3 H2 He
SF6 O2 C4F8
H2 CF4 He
SF6 O2 C4F8
SF6 O2 N2
Ar He
SF6 O2 C4F8
SF6 O2 C4F8
Ar He CF4
SF6 O2 C4F8
Ar CF4 H2
BCl3 Cl2 HBr
Ar H2
SF6 O2 CF4
Ar CH4 H2
HBr BCl3 Cl2 N2
Ar O2 CHF3
RF generators
  • Coil generator
  • Platen generator
  • Coil generator
  • Platen generator
  • Coil generator
  • Platen generator
  • Low frequency platen generator
  • Platen generator
  • Low frequency platen generator
  • Coil generator
  • Platen generator
  • Low frequency platen generator
  • Coil generator
  • Platen generator
  • RF generator
  • Coil generator
  • Platen generator
  • Coil generator on plama chamber
  • 3 accelerator grids between plasma chamber and process chamber
Substrate loading Loading via dedicated two-slot carousel load lock Loading via dedicated two-slot carousel load lock Loading via dedicated two-slot carousel load lock or via atmospheric cassette loader Loading via dedicated two-slot carousel load lock Loading via two cassette loading stations pumped down at vacuum Loading via dedicated two-slot carousel load lock Manual loading directly into process chamber Loading via dedicated two-slot carousel load lock Automatic loading via load lock
  • Bosch multiplexing
  • Parameter ramping
  • Bosch multiplexing
  • Parameter ramping
  • SOI option
  • Claritas endpoint detection
  • Bosch multiplexing
  • Parameter ramping
  • SOI option
  • Optical endpoint detection
  • Bosch multiplexing
  • Parameter ramping
  • SOI option
  • Optical endpoint detection
  • Bosch multiplexing
  • Parameter ramping
  • SOI option
  • Parameter ramping
  • Optical endpoint detection
  • Laser endpoint detection
  • Parameter ramping
  • Bosch multiplexing
  • Optical endpoint detection
  • Laser endpoint detection
  • SIMS endpoint detection
Allowed materials Materials
  • Silicon, Silicon oxide, silicon nitride
  • Fused silica
  • Sapphire
  • SiC
  • Resists
  • Some polymers
  • <5% metal on the suface (for 4")
  • Silicon, Silicon oxide, silicon nitride
  • Fused silica
  • Sapphire
  • SiC
  • Resists
  • Al,(Cr) as masking materials
  • Silicon, Silicon oxide, silicon nitride
  • Fused silica
  • Sapphire
  • SiC
  • Resists
  • Silicon, Silicon oxide, silicon nitride
  • Fused silica
  • Sapphire
  • SiC
  • Al, Cr, Ti, W, Mo, Nb
  • Resists
  • Silicon, Silicon oxide, silicon nitride
  • Fused silica
  • Sapphire
  • SiC
  • GaAs, GaN, InP, with epitaxial layers
  • Resists (at low temperature processing)
  • Silicon, Silicon oxide, silicon nitride
  • Aluminium
  • Fused silica
  • Sapphire
  • SiC
  • GaAs, GaN, InP, with epitaxial layers
  • Resists (at low temperature processing)
  • Almost any material
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