Specific Process Knowledge/Etch/DRIE-Pegasus/showerheadchange/ProcessD/PrD-4

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Unless otherwise stated, all content on this page was created by Jonas Michael-Lindhard, DTU Nanolab

Process runs
Date Substrate Information Process Information SEM Images
Wafer info Mask Material/ Exposed area Tool / Operator Conditioning Recipe Wafer ID Comments
8/1-2015 4" Wafer with travkaXX mask AZ standard Si / XX % Pegasus/jmli s004781 nanolab/jml/showerhead/prD/PrD-4, 150 cyc or 8:00 mins S004782 New showerhead

S004782-04.jpg S004782-05.jpg S004782-03.jpg S004782-02.jpg S004782-01.jpg