Specific Process Knowledge/Characterization/Lifetime scanner MDPmap

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Lifetime scanner MPDmap, positioned in cleanroom F-2.

Microwave Detected Photoconductivity (MDP)

Topographic visualisation of electrically active defects or materiel properties at almost any production stage, allows for process optimization and performance prediction of devices.

MDP is a contact less, non destructive measurement technology for the electrical characterization of a large variety of semiconductors. The mapping and visualization of so far not detectable defects was achieved by improving the sensitivity of a microwave detection system by several orders of magnitude. Electrical properties such as lifetime, τ, mobility, μ, and diffusion length, L, can be measured also at very low injection levels with a spatial resolution limited only by the diffusion length of the charge carriers.

The user manual, the APV and contact information can be found in LabManager:

Lifetime scanner MPDmap info page in LabManager,

Performance information

Range of lifetimes: 20 ns to several ms

The resistivity range for lifetime measurements 0.2 to 100 Ohm.cm, p/n

Material: Silicon, epitaxial layers, partially or fully processed wafers, compound semiconductors and beyond.

Measureable properties: Carrier lifetime (steady state or non equilibrium (µ -PCD) selectable), photoconductivity (steady state) microwave Photoconductance Decay (µ-PCD)

Equipment performance and process related parameters

Equipment Lifetime scanner MDPmap
  • Carrier Lifetime
  • Photoconductivity
  • Cx1
Instrument specifics Detector
  • Microwave detector
  • 405 nm
    • Power 5 mW to 100 mW
  • 977 nm
    • Power 5 mW to 190 mW
  • 975 nm
    • Power 0.5 W to 4.0 W
  • 977 nm
    • Power up to 200 µW
  • Spot diameter for all laser 0.5 µm
Substrates Size
  • Sample sizs between 5 mm x 5 mm up to 16" or 210 mm x 210 mm
  • Sample thickness 10 µm to 20 mm
Allowed materials
  • Any standard cleanroom materials.