LabAdviser/Technology Research/Live TEM imaging nanowire growth

From LabAdviser

Live TEM imaging of Nanowire growth and device dynamics

  • Project type: Ph.D project
  • Project responsible: Christopher Røhl Andersen
  • Supervisors: Kristian Mølhave, Nika Akopian, Kimberly Dick Thelander
  • Partners involved: DTU Photonics, NanoLund - Lund University

Project description

I fabricate microdevices at the Technical University of Denmark to study III-V nanowire growth and their electrical and optical properties using the ETEM at nCHREM, Lund University.

The microdevices are based on a microheater design ([1]) and they are fabricated using silicon-on-insulator wafers. The device layer is made by using the maskless aligner at the DTU Nanolab cleanroom followed by a Bosch etching process. Windows are made from the handle using KOH etch and a thin nitride protection layer


First author


Conference contributions



Further information