November 2012 Survey

From LabAdviser
Revision as of 13:35, 19 December 2012 by Meno (talk | contribs)

Survey introduction

The November 2012 survey was the eights survey carried out using a format where individual cleanroom users were asked about their view on various parts of using DTU Danchip's facilities and in particular the cleanroom facilities.
The questionaire was send to 283 registered users (based on the logging of cleanroom use) unfortunately 8 of the e-mail adresses was obsolete and thus the mails bounced, which brought the total number of potential answers to 275 . In total 64 persons answered the questionaire which means an answer fraction of 23% regardless of whether or not the bounces should be included in the total.
This page deals with the comments given as part of the questionaire. Danchip values this feedback highly.


The comments appear here as they were written in the feedback field of the questionaire. In a few cases they have been anonymized or the worst spelling mistakes corrected.

Comment 1

All invoices for DPC are coming on my name, since I have made the agreement, and it is very difficult to understand from the invoice for what the money is taken. Please specify it correctly: name of the person, number of samples, kind of analyses.

Action: xxx

Comment 2

The paying scheme is a bit of a mess and, since we are constantly applying for funds, not knowing how much to ask for cleanroom expenses (that are a big part of the expenses) is not the best.

Action: xxx

Comment 3

Our shelves are still at the characterization area. Could they be removed to the old place one day? That would be easier because one always has to go a long way to the samples when working in the "old" cleanroom. The new shelves for shoes are very good. Could you consider having a wardrobe for sweaters as well?.

Action: xxx

Comment 4

Having to wait 2 days for a request for training in some equipment, is too long in my opinion.

Action: xxx

Comment 5

I haven't answered very satisfied to all as there are always reasonable problems, e.g. someone else is using the equipment, hence making it unavialable, or maintainance. But these things are to be expected anyway. I'm happy with how people from Danchip are very helpful. Responses are not always as early as desired, but it is understandable.

Action: xxx

Comment 6

Special discount agreement for DTU physics have helped my project a lot.

Action: xxx

Comment 7

Satisfied overall. One issue is that some of the equipments seems lack of maintenance and always get problems (III-V ICP for example) which delays the works.

Action: xxx

Comment 8

Furnace: LPCVD Nitrid has been out of use for a long time. This has slowed me in my work on my BSc project. Also the PECVD1 had missing B2H6 MFC, which also was an obstacle for me. The SSE Spinner is always booked, because everyone needs to use it - Danchip should consider to buy one more Spinner.

Action: xxx

Comment 9

Recurrent booking option is needed in labmanager, and maybe an implemention of a function where users can write if they finishes early with their booking instead of having to check who has the next booking, and having to e-mail them.

Action: xxx

Comment 10

Availability of equipment answer is only "satisfied" due to sometimes a crucial machine such as EVG NIL being offline for an extended period.

Action: xxx

Comment 11

Again Danchip has live up to my high expectations. Whenever a problem is discoverede there are clear lines of communication to start the process of solving the problem.If there was one thing I criticize it would be the availability of training, especially for students. For various reasons Danchip was under-staffed the last time students started in the cleanroom, this significantly set back a very short project. However, I got the impression that Danchip was aware of the issue and was trying to solve the problem. That was an example of good communication in regretful situation.

Action: xxx

Comment 12

Det kunne være rart med et bedre mail-udbredningssystem. Lige nu ryger alle mails der har noget som helst med renrummet at gøre ud til samme mailing-liste, hvilket gør, at man ikke får læst dem (99% består af "6-inch aligner er klar til næste bruger" eller noget lignende) Hvis man i stedet havde flere lister, så man kunne sortere uvæsentlige beskeder fra, og stadig få tilsendt de vigtige (såsom "der er strømafbrudelse/brandøvelse/etc næste mandag fra 12-13") kunne det være lækkert. Evt også lave lister for de forskellige maskiner, så jeg kunne få tilsendt opdateringer vedrørende KS-aligner (den bruger jeg), men ikke DUV-stepperen (den bruger jeg ikke), så ville det være helt perfekt.

Action: xxx

Comment 13

Sometimes people need to wait a little bit longer time for those machines which are not commonly used to be fixed. But generally the cleanroom and all the staff are very helpful.

Action: xxx

Comment 14

Sometimes i feel irritated when some user use the machine like RIE and does not run a cleaning recipe after that.Same is with PECVD3. when someone does the deposition and it crosses the limit of 6µm deposition; he or she should run etchback and stdpredep recipe too. It often takes 30 to 40 minutes of my time especially if i have to do 15 minutes of deposition at the end of the day.

Action: xxx

Comment 15

Only drawback is equipment downtime

Action: xxx

Comment 16

It would be nice if new equipment was presented more detailed. Sometimes this happens with a mail or so, but often there is something new standing in the cleanroom and I have to find out by myself what it can do and how it compares to the other equipment.

Action: xxx

Comment 17

Issues with the stability of the pyrolysis oven are giving us unreproducible results. Staff just left us with the comment that it is an old oven and nothing can be done, which is not a satisfying and customer-oriented answer a machine that costs 1000 DKK/hour.

Action: xxx

Comment 18

Availability: SEM-Zeiss is always been booked by someone for many times in one day and more than ten times in one week. Sometimes III-V aligner, III-V ICP are down for long time.

Action: xxx

Comment 19

Danchip should decide what format they want to work on. It is very annoying that some equipment (DUV stepper) in principle only handles 6 inch wafers whereas all etching tools are running 4 inch mode...why not put all etchers on 6 inch as default and then people must use carriers when they want to process 4 inch wafer? Or if they have delicate processes on 4 inch they can ask to get the tool set to 4 inch but they should rund 6 inch at all time as default.

Action: xxx

Comment 20

You should be more aware of getting work carried out on the DUV stepper done correctly according to the customer's instructions.

Action: xxx

Comment 21

Danchip should time maintanence of equipment better so e.g. it fits into the periods where the cleanroom is closed instead of having service on some equipment the week before the cleanroom is closed causing the down town to be 2 weeks in reality for the customer.

Action: xxx

Comment 22

The model you are using with having teams that are responsible for equipment works poorly since all members of the teams can blaim each other when things are not working as they should. It was better in the old days with 1-2 dedicated persons on each tool. This way there could not be bad excuses for tools not working.

Action: xxx

Comment 23

It could be great with more focus on particle contamination of wafers in Danchips cleanroom - expecially it could be nice to have a particle scanner so one could identify and throw out wafers after spin coating which is the worst cause of defects on wafers in your cleanroom.

Action: xxx

Action: xxx

Comment 24

Any progress on getting the paricle issues with the MVD tool solved?.

Action: xxx

Comment 25

ICP metal ætseren har været meget nede, samt cluster 1 tidligere på året, som er gået ud over både projekter samt kundeopgaver... Lukning af renrummet (og andre meget vigtige informationer) skal ikke foregå via spam email, men skal også puttes på labmanager...

Action: xxx