Specific Process Knowledge/Etch/AOE (Advanced Oxide Etch)/Silicon Nitride Etch using AOE

From LabAdviser

Test of etch in silicon nitride (LPCVD). 105nm nitride had to be removed - it was removed after 1min and 40s with a very small over etch in Si.

Parameter 1Nitride
Coil Power [W] 700
Platen Power [W] 100
Platen temperature [oC] 0
CF flow [sccm] 5
He flow [sccm] 174
H flow [sccm] 4
Pressure [mTorr] 4

Typical results Resist mask
Silicon nitride (LPCVD) etch rate ~60 nm/min
Selectivity to photo resist [:1] ?
Etch rate in Si ?
Etch rate in SiO2 ?
Profile [o] not tested
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