November 2011 Survey

From LabAdviser
Revision as of 15:45, 8 December 2011 by Meno (talk | contribs)

Survey introduction

The November 2011 survey was the sixth survey carried out using a format where individual cleanroom users were asked about their view on various parts of using DTU Danchip's facilities and in particular the cleanroom facilities.
The questionaire was send to 212 registered users (based on the logging of cleanroom use) unfortunately 8 of the e-mail adresses was obsolete and thus the mails bounced, which brought the total number of potential answers to 204 . In total 57 persons answered the questionaire which means an answer fraction of 28% regardless of whether or not the bounces should be included in the total.
This page deals with the comments given as part of the questionaire. Danchip values this feedback highly.


The comments appear here as they were written in the feedback field of the questionaire. In a few cases they have been anonymized or the worst spelling mistakes corrected.

Comment 1

When using the training email, I have at some occasions needed to send an extra email after a week before I got an answer.


Comment 2

Det ville være rart hvis track 1 kom til at virke igen.Jeg har også savnet et kort over rentrummet, så ikke Danchip mennesker også har en chance for at finde ud af hvor rentrum 1 og 5 er, og lige ledes hvad de forskellige service rum kaldes officielt. Dette vil lette kommunikationen mellem brugerne og Danchip.


Comment 3

I think we should introduce the cleanroom face masks and bouffant caps. The masks are very important; I have seen many people who are talking with eachother while looking at their samples. The amount of spit that comes out when one talks is significant. Also, it might be a good idea to introduce personal acid gloves for everyone. In this way, one is 100% sure what the gloves have been used for and how clean they are. I also think that as a welcome, every new person should get his own tweezers.
