Specific Process Knowledge/Etch/ICP Metal Etcher

From LabAdviser

Etching of nanostructures in silicon using the ICP Metal Etcher

The starting point
Break Gas Cl2 20 sccm
Pressure 2 mTorr, Strike 3 secs @ 5 mTorr
Power 600 W CP, 200 W PP
Temperature 20 degs
Hardware 100 mm Spacers
Time 15 secs
Main Gas HBr 20 sccm
Pressure 2 mTorr, Strike 3 secs @ 5 mTorr
Power 900 W CP, 50 W PP
Temperature 20 degs
Hardware 100 mm Spacers
Time ? secs

ER 200 nm/min, 3:1 over resist. Vertical profile. To improve selectivity to oxide under-layers you can add a small amount of O2 ( e.g 2 sccm if the MFC is small enough). This should not give an undercut.