Specific Process Knowledge/Etch/ICP Metal Etcher/Examples of End point detection

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Information on how to use the optical endpoint system, please take a look here: Specific Process Knowledge/Etch/DryEtchProcessing/OES

Cr etch with end point on SiO2

Done April 2023 by bghe

The above images shows a view from Spectral View during etching Cr with DUV resist as masking material of a 6" wafer with more than to 50% open area. The standard Cr etch was used. The endpoint was most clearly seen with the parameters:

  • Cr5208av (Average A for region Cr_5208)
  • Cr_Avg_5208
  • normClOverCr (ScalePct(CrOverCl, 10,20,100)
  • smCr over Cl (Avg2(normCrOverCl, 50)

Barc etch

Configuration file: jml-all-3 Activate the signals

  • Sum_C2
  • Median:C2_trend
  • Media_C2 (Eq: Median(C2_5165av,50)