Specific Process Knowledge/Characterization/XPS/Processing/Guidelines
Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page was created by the dry etch group at DTU Nanolab
Data processing guidelines in Avantage
- Use one processing grid to hold all spectra to be fitted.
- Each processing grid has a peak table that holds all the peaks for each level. Making depth profiles cannot be made across processing grids. Survey spectra must be kept in separate grids - if not the peak table of the survey spectrum will get mixed with the high resolution spectra.
- Do not mix snapshot and scanned spectra in processing grid
- Rename depth profiles
- Sometimes when you analyse depth profiles, the information on the ion gun parameters are hard to find. This is why renaming the 'Depth profile' in the experiment tree to something like '2keVHigh20secs' when setting up the experiment is useful. In this way you will always know that the ion gun was etching for 20 seconds at 2 keV energy and with high current setting between each level.