LabAdviser/314/Microscopy 314-307/TEM/ETEM/OneView
Gatan OneView camera and GMS3
Here are a few information on the OneView camera and the control in GMS3:
General info
- CMOS camera with 4096 x 4096px (pixel size: 15µm) --> 61.4 x 61.4mm sensor size; conversion efficiency @300kV: 26.42 ADC counts/Prim e- (our camera)
- Imaging mode: 25fps for full 4k x 4k resolution (single frame exposure time: 0.04s); 100fps @ 2k x 2k; 200fps @ 1k x 1k; 300fps @ 512 x 512
- Diffraction mode: about 7fps for full 4k x 4k (single frame exposure time: 0.16s)
- drift correction available
- In in situ mode: look back option available up to 20s
image acquisition
1. If GMS3 (Gatan Microscopy Suite; also known as Digital Micrograph) is not running yet on the separate computer (large screen), click on the GMS icon and acknowledge any information message.
Go to "Customs" and "SetDoseCalibrationTag_OneView_mod-DTU"
2. Type in the high tension the microscope is running in the pop-up window
3. Don't change the conversion factor; just click on "OK"
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