Specific Process Knowledge/Characterization/XRD/dataconversion

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Convert data for loading in SmartLab Studio II

Data from the XRD Powder can be loading in the "Powder XRD" plugin in SmartLab Studio II. But the files have to be converted to a format read by SmartLab Studio II first. Two options are available for convertion, Data Viewer provided by Malvern Panalytical or the opensource PowDLL developed at tge University of Ioannina in Greece.

Converting to .xy with Data Viewer

Malvern Panalytical's Data Viewer can convert the xrdml files to xy files, which only consist of two columns with angles and intensities. No additional information is transferred in the xy format. The conversion is quite easy:

  • Load xrdml file in Data Viewer.
  • Select file -> convert.
  • Select the output folder (I have problems save to my document folder).
  • Select X-Y table (*.xy) and deselect others.
  • Click convert.