Specific Process Knowledge/Thin film deposition/Temescal/Acceptance Test

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Acceptance test and test results

In the acceptance test, we tested the vacuum performance, the ion source, and the uniformity of the deposited metal films.

The uniformity of the ion beam etch was tested on Si wafers with SiO2 coating of a known thickness.

For metal films, the thickness and for Ti/Ni the sheet resistance uniformity were measured.

Side wall coverage was evaluated in SEM for Ti/Au films deposited at normal incidence (what most users require, which gives no side-wall deposition) and with various degrees of tilt.

Full acceptance test report here:

File:Temescal Acceptance Test Results Mar-April-May 2018.pdf

Vacuum performance

Pumpdown of the load lock from atmosphere took 15 minutes to below 10-6 Torr, which is the process pressure. Note that this was with a brand new vacuum chamber. The pumping time is slower the more material is deposited inside the machine, as the layers can trap moisture and other gases.

A pumpdown of the whole system took about 1.5 hours to below 10-6 Torr.

More results in the full report.