Specific Process Knowledge/Characterization/XRD

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XRD SmartLab

The Rigaku SmartLab is an advanced XRD for measuring on thin films. All thin films can be measured without fixating the sample, as the system has a so called In-Plane arm.

Image(s) of the equipment(s)

The user manual(s), user APV(s), technical information, and contact information can be found in LabManager:

XRD SmartLab in LabManager

Process information

Software for analysis

The software packages used for data analysis are available on the equipment computer, but we recommend that you install it on your personal computer. To run the software you need a USB dongle with a license on, these can be borrowed from Rebecca and Kristian in room 347-077. We only have 9 dongles available, so when you are done please return the dongle to danchip.

The software can be found on "CleanroomDrive\_Equipment\XRD\Rigaku software\RILauncher", it should be possible to install the software without a dongle. To use the software you have to log in. The user is: Administrator. There is no password.

Equipment performance and process related parameters

Equipment XRD SmartLab
Purpose Crystal structure analysis and thin film thickness measurement
  • Phase ID
  • Crystal Size
  • Crystallinity
  • Quality and degree of orientation
  • 3D orientation
  • Latice strain
  • Composition
  • Twist
  • 3D lattice constant
  • Thickness
  • Roughness
  • Density
X-ray generator

Maximum rated output

3 kW

Rated tube voltage

20 to 45 kV

Rated tube current

2 to 60 mA


Sealed tube



Focus size

0.4x8 mm (Line/Point)

Process parameter range Parameter 1
  • Range
Parameter 2
  • Range
Substrates Batch size

up to 150 mm wafers

Allowed materials

All materials