Specific Process Knowledge/Wafer cleaning/7-up & Piranha

From LabAdviser

Cleaning of wafers or masks

Cleaning of wafers or masks with sulphuric acid can be done either in a dedicated tank "7-up" or in the fumehood in a beaker "Piranha" Both 7-up and Piranha removes heavy organics. Always use one of these after KOH to remove alkali ions before further processing. 7-up and Piranha are also used as cleaning solutions after stripping resist.

7-up Piranha
General description

Cleaning of wafers or masks using the dedicated tanks. There are one tank for masks and glasswafers and one for 4-6" Si wafers in cleanroom 4 and one tank in cleanroom 3 for 4" Si wafers only.

Cleaning of wafers using a beaker in the fumehood in cleanroom 2.Used for glass wafers or wafers with metal or other materials that you are not allowed to put in the 7-up for wafers.

Chemical solution 98% Sulfuricacid and Ammoniumsulfat 98% Sulfuricacid and Hydrogenperoxide 4:1
Process temperature 80 oC ~70 oC the chemicals will heat up to working temperature during mixing, therefore be carefull!
Process time

10 min.

10 min.

Batch size

1-19/25 4" wafers or 5 masks at a time

1-5 4" wafer at a time

Size of substrate

4-6" wafers

2-4" wafers