Specific Process Knowledge/Characterization/SIMS: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry

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Atomika SIMS

Atomika SIMS: positioned in the basement of building 346 (underneath the cleanroom).

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The Drop Shape Analyzer

The Krüss DSA 100s Drop Shape Analyzer

The Krüss DSA 100S Drop Shape Analyzer will analyze the shape a drop of liquid on a surface, or suspended from a needle, in order to calculate the contact angle, or the surface tension, respectively. It is mostly used to determine the contact angle of water as a measure of the hydrophobicity/hydrophility of the sample surface.

The user manual, user APV(s), technical information, and contact information can be found in LabManager:

Drop Shape Analyzer in LabManager

An overview of the performance of the Drop Shape Analyzer

Purpose Imaging and analysis of of the shape of the interface between liquid and air
  • Measurement of contact angle between sample surface and liquid
  • Measurement of surface tension of liquid
Performance Measurement accuracy
  • Highly dependent on analysis conditions (image quality and fitting model); usually around ±0.5°. Using several measurement points is recommended.
Process parameters Available liquids
  • Syringe 1: Water (H2O)
  • Syringe 2: Diiodo-methane (I2CH2)
  • Syringe 3: Benzyl alcohol (C6H5CH2OH)
  • Syringe 4: Available
  • Manual dispense is also possible
Sample requirements Substrate material allowed
  • In principle all materials
Substrate size
  • Up to 6" wafers. In order to measure, a few square mm's of flat surface is required.
Batch size
  • One sample at a time