Specific Process Knowledge/Etch/Wet Platinum Etch

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Ething of Platinum can be done either wet or dry. For wet etching please see below on this page. Dry etching can be done with IBE by sputtering with Ar ions.

Wet Platinum Etch can be done in the fumehood positioned in cleanroom 2

Platinum can be etched by the following wet etch:

  • HCl : HNO3 : H2O (7 : 1 : 8) at 85 °C

You have to be very carefully when you work with this etch. It can generate nitrous gases witch are very toxic!!

At this moment we do not have any information on the etch rate. You should be aware that this wet etch will also etch gold and it is not possible to use any masking material, it is used as a stripper.

Wet etching of Platinum is done by making your own setup in a glass beaker in the fumehood in cleanroom 2. Write content on the beaker and which metals has been etched with yellow permanent pen. You can see the APV here.

Platinum Etch data

Platinum wet etch
General description

Etch of Platinum

Link to safety APV see APV here.
Chemical solution HCl : HNO3 : H2O (7 : 1 : 8)
Process temperature 85 °C
Possible masking materials None
Etch rate Mainly used as stripper
Batch size 1-7 4" wafers at a time
Size of substrate Any that fits into a carrier that can go into the glass beaker
Allowed materials No restrictions.

Make a note on the beaker of which materials have been processed.