Specific Process Knowledge/Back-end processing/Wire Bonder

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TPT Wire Bonder

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TPT Wire Bonder, Packlab, Building 347, 2nd floor
Wire bondings: Left: wedge bonding - Right: ball bonding

The TPT Wire Bonder is a new machine bought i 2007. Wire bonding is a method of making interconnections between a microchip and other electronics as part of semiconductor device fabrication. The TPT-H05 is a manuel wire bonder.

Please be aware that the bonder only is operated by Danchip personal.

Wedge Bonding

  • Gold wire 25 µm wire.
  • Aluminium wire 25 µm wire.
  • Min. bonding area 200 µm.

Ball Bonding

Ball bonding gives free choice of bonding direction. First bond forms a small ball and second bond is a wedge bond.

  • Gold only 25 µm wire.
  • Min. bonding pad 300 µm.
  • Sample withstand heating to 120 oC.