Specific Process Knowledge/Etch/DRIE-Pegasus/Pegasus-2/Si Nano etching
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Below are images illustrating works that have been done during the ph.d. projects.
1. 3D silicon photonic crystal membranes.
2. Comparison of scallops by traditional Bosch process and modified DREM process.
3. 3D silicon microstructures fabricated by DREM process.
4. 3D silicon micro-mesh structures integrated with ZnO nanowires for photocatalysis and photocurrent generation.
5. 3D silicon stacked nanowires for structural color generation.
6. High aspect ratio silicon micropillars fabricated with DREM process.
7. ZIF-8 crystals for tunable structural colors.
8. Using OES to monitor the fluorocarbon film deposition with Pegasus 1.