Specific Process Knowledge/Thin film deposition/Deposition of Aluminium Nitride

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Deposition of Aluminium Nitride

Write a short description of the process and how to perform the process.

Only one method at the moment

Cryofox PVD co-sputter/evaporation
Generel description
  • Reactive Sputtering (Al target)
  • Depend on the targets power
Film Thickness
  • 0nm - 200nm
Deposition rate
  • Not tested
Step coverage
  • Very good
Process Temperature
  • Up to 400oC
Substrate size
  • 100 mm wafers (Up to 12 wafers at a time)
  • 150 mm wafers (Up to 4 wafers at a time)
Allowed materials
  • Silicon
  • Silicon oxide, silicon nitride
  • Quartz/fused silica
  • Photoresist
  • PMMA
  • Mylar
  • SU-8
  • Any metals