Specific Process Knowledge/Thin film deposition/Deposition of Titanium Oxide

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Deposition of Titanium Oxide

Titanium oxide can be deposited only by sputter technique. At the moment the only system where we have a target for Titanium oxide is IBE/IBSD Ionfab300. The target is Ti. During the sputter deposition oxygen is added to the chamber resulting in Titanium oxide on the sample.

Comparison of the methods for deposition of Titanium Oxide

Sputter technique using IBE/IBSD Ionfab300 Sputter System Lesker
Generel description
  • TiO2 created from a Ti sputter target. By adding oxygen during the deposition TiO2 is created.
  • Reactive DC sputtering of Ti target in Ar/O2 (10% O2) plasma.
  • RF sputtering of TiO2 target
  • Can probably be varied (sputter target: Ti, O2 added during deposition)
  • unknown
Film Thickness
  • ~10nm - ~0.5µm(>2h)
  • ~10nm - ~0.5µm(>2h)
Deposition rate
  • 3.0-3.5nm/min (reactive DC sputtering)
  • 3 - 5 nm/min (RF sputtering)
  • 0.3 - 0.5nm/min
Step coverage
  • Not Known
  • Not Known
Process Temperature
  • Expected to be below 100oC
  • Done at RT. There is a possibility to run at higher temperatures
More info on TiO2
Substrate size
  • 1 50mm wafer
  • 1 100mm wafer
  • 1 150mm wafer
  • 1 200mm wafer
  • Smaller pieces can be mounted with capton tape
  • several small samples
  • several 50 mm wafers (Ø150mm carrier)
  • 1x 100 mm wafers
  • 1x 150 mm wafers
Allowed materials
  • Almost any materials
  • not Pb and very poisonous materials
  • Almost any materials
  • Pb and poisonous materials only after special agreement