Specific Process Knowledge

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2nd Level - Process Topic

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  • Lithography - New entry by the 18th of September - take a look

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Sample processing:

  • Clean the sample
  • Drying Samples
  • Make a layer on the sample
  • Thermal Oxide growth
    • PVD
      • Sputter deposition
      • Thermal deposition
      • E-beam evaporation
    • CVD
      • LPCVD
      • PECVD
    • Coating
      • Spin coating
      • Spray coating
      • Electroplating
      • Epitaxial growth
  • Thermal treatment of the sample
  • Make a mask on the sample
    • Lithography
    • Imprinting
  • Transfer pattern into the sample
    • Wet etch
    • Dry etch
    • Lift-off
  • Direct structure definition
    • Imprinting
    • LASER machining
    • Lithographic definition
    • Polymer Injection molding
  • Bonding samples together
  • Characterize the sample
  • Back end of the sample
    • Chip/die mounting
    • Wire bonding
    • Dicing