Specific Process Knowledge/Etch/ICP Metal Etcher/Aluminium

From LabAdviser

Aluminium etch

The aluminium etch has two steps:

The breakthrough step is designed to break through the native aluminium oxide layer that is present on all aluminium surfaces. The duration of this step should remain fixed.
The main step etches bulk aluminium.
Al etch
Parameter Process step
Breakthrough Main
Time (secs) 20 40 (variable)
HBr (sccm) - 15
Cl2 (sccm) 20 25
Pressure (mTorr) 2, Strike 3 secs @ 15 mTorr??? 1
Coil power (W) 600 500
Platen power (W) 125 100
Temperature (oC) 20 20
Spacers (mm) 30 30
Etch rate ~350 nm/min (depending on features size and etch load)