Specific Process Knowledge/Etch/Etching of Silicon Nitride

From LabAdviser

Silicon nitride can be etched using either wet chemistry or dry etch equipment. Wet chemistry is mainly used to remove all the nitride on the surface (backside and frontside) of a wafer. Dry etching etches one side at a time and can be used to etch structures with several masking materials.

Comparison of wet Silicon Nitride etch and RIE etch for etching of Silicon Nitride

Wet Silicon Nitride etch Buffered HF (BHF) RIE
General description
  • Isotropic etch
  • Well suited for removing all nitride on a wafer surface (nitride strip) without a mask. High selectivity Si3N4/Si (>100) and Si3N4/SiO2 (>20) @ 180 C.
  • Isotropic etch
  • Well suited for removing all PECVD nitride on a wafer surface (nitride strip) without a mask. Etches LPCVD nitride very slowly
  • Anisotropic etch: vertical sidewalls
Possible masking materials
  • Silicon Oxide
  • PolySilicon
  • Photoresist
  • PolySilicon
  • Blue film
  • Photoresist
  • Silicon Oxide
  • Aluminium
  • Chromium (ONLY RIE2!)
  • Other metals if they cover less than 5% of the wafer area (ONLY RIE2!)
Etch rate
  • Si3N4 @ 180 oC: ~84 Å/min
  • Si3N4 @ 160 oC: ~60 Å/min
  • PECVD nitride: ~400-1000 Å/min
  • Typically 40-50 nm/min can be increased or decreased by using other recipe parameters.
Batch size
  • 1-25 wafers at a time
  • 1-25 wafers at a time
  • 1 wafer at a time
Size of substrate
  • 4" wafers
  • 4" wafers
  • 4" wafers or smaller pieces
Allowed materials
  • Silicon
  • Silicon Oxide
  • Silicon Nitride
  • Silicon Oxynitride
  • Silicon
  • Silicon Oxide
  • Silicon Nitride
  • Silicon Oxynitride
  • Photoresist
  • Blue film
  • Silicon
  • Silicon Oxide
  • Silicon Nitride
  • Silicon Oxynitride
  • Photoresist
  • E-beam resist
  • Aluminium
  • Chromium (ONLY RIE2!)
  • Other metals if they cover less than 5% of the wafer area (ONLY RIE2!)

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Comparing silicon etch methodes at Danchip

There are a broad varity of silicon nitride etch methods at Danchip. The methodes are compared here to make it easier for you to compare and choose the one that suits your needs.

Compare the methodes for Si etching

KOH Etch Wet PolySilicon etch RIE (Reactive Ion Etch) DRIE-Pegasus (Silicon Etch) ASE (Advanced Silicon Etch) ICP Metal Etch IBE/IBSD Ionfab 300
Generel description
  • Anisotropic etch in the (100)-plan
  • High selectivity to the other plans
  • Anisotropic etch: vertical sidewalls independent of the crystal plans
  • Isotropic etch in Silicon and Polysilicon
  • Can etch isotropic and anisotropic depending on the process parameters
  • State-of-the-art dry silicon etcher with atmospheric cassette loader
  • Extremely high etch rate and advanced processing options
  • As RIE but better for high aspect ratio etching and deep etches (higher etch rate)
  • Good selectivity to photoresist
  • The ASE is dedicated to polymer etch, which can affect the Si etch stability.
  • This is dedicated to metal etch. So fare only Si etch of nanostructures has been explored on the system.
  • Primarily for pure physical etch by sputtering with Ar-ions
Possible masking materials
  • Silicon Nitride
  • Silicon Oxide
  • Photoresist
  • Photoresist
  • E-beam resist
  • Silicon Oxide
  • Silicon Nitride
  • Aluminium
  • Chromium (ONLY RIE2!)
  • Other metals if they cover less than 5% of the wafer area (ONLY RIE2!)
  • Photoresist and zep resist
  • Silicon Oxide
  • Silicon Nitride
  • Aluminium oxide
  • Photoresist
  • Silicon Oxide
  • Silicon Nitride
  • Aluminium
  • Photo-, DUV- and e-beamresist
  • Silicon Oxide
  • Silicon Nitride
  • Aluminium
  • Cr
  • Ti
  • Any material that is accepted in the machine
Etch rate range
  • Si(100) @80oC: 1.29+0.05 µm/min
  • Si(100) @70oC: ~0.7 µm/min
  • Si(100) @60oC: ~0.4 µm/min
  • ~100-200 nm/min, highly dependent on doping level
  • <40nm/min to >600nm/min depending on recipe parameters and mask design
  • Up to 18-20 µm/min depending on recipe, mask design and aspect ratio.
  • <130nm/min to >5.6 µm/min depending on recipe, mask design and aspect ratio.
  • Process dependant. The nano etch is in the range 59-311 nm/min
  • Process dependant. Has been tested in the range 17-31 nm/min
Substrate size
  • #25 wafers of 100mm in our 100mm bath
  • #1-5 wafers of 100mm or 50mm in "Fumehood KOH"
  • #25 wafers of 100mm or 150mm in our 6" bath
  • #25 100 mm wafers in our 100mm bath
  • As many small samples as can be fitted on the 100mm carrier.
  • #1 100mm wafer (or smaller with carrier)
  • #1 150mm wafer (only when the system is set up for 150mm)
  • As many small samples as can be fitted on a 100mm wafer
  • #1 50 mm wafer fitted on a 100mm wafer
  • #1 100 mm wafer
  • #1 150 mm wafers (only when the system is set up to 150mm)
  • As many small samples as can be fitted on a 100mm wafer
  • #1 50 mm wafer fitted on a 100mm wafer
  • #1 100 mm wafer
  • #1 150 mm wafers (only when the system is set up to 150mm)
  • As many small samples as can be fitted on a 150mm wafer
  • #5 50 mm wafer fitted on a 150mm wafer
  • #1 100 mm wafer on a 150mm wafer
  • #1 150 mm wafers (The system is normally set up to 150mm)
  • As many samples as can be securely fitted on a up to 200mm wafer
  • #1 50 mm wafer with special carrier
  • #1 100 mm wafer with special carrier
  • #1 150 mm wafers with special carrier
  • #1 200 mm wafer
Allowed materials
  • Silicon
  • Silicon Oxide
  • Silicon Nitride
  • Silicon Oxynitride
  • Other materials (only in "Fumehood KOH")
  • Silicon
  • Silicon Oxide
  • Silicon Nitride
  • Silicon Oxynitride
  • Photoresist
  • Silicon
  • Silicon Oxide
  • Silicon Nitride
  • Silicon Oxynitride
  • Photoresist
  • E-beam resist
  • Other metals if they cover less than 5% of the wafer area (ONLY RIE2!)
  • Quartz/fused silica
  • Silicon
  • Silicon Oxide
  • Silicon Nitride
  • Silicon Oxynitride
  • Photoresist
  • zep resist
  • Aluminium oxide
  • Quartz/fused silica
  • Silicon
  • Silicon Oxide
  • Silicon Nitride
  • Silicon Oxynitride
  • Photoresist
  • E-beam resist
  • Aluminium
  • Quartz/fused silica
  • Silicon
  • Photoresist/e-beam resist
  • PolySilicon
  • Silicon oxide
  • Silicon (oxy)nitride
  • Aluminium
  • Titanium
  • Chromium
  • Quartz/fused silica
  • Silicon
  • Silicon oxides
  • Silicon (oxy)nitrides
  • Metals from the +list
  • Metals from the -list
  • Alloys from the above list
  • Stainless steel
  • Glass
  • III-V materials
  • Resists
  • Polymers
  • Capton tape