Specific Process Knowledge/Lithography/EBeamLithography/AR-P 617

From LabAdviser

AR-P 617 is a positive PMMA based E-beam resist from Allresist. Process information provided by Allresist can be found here.

Spin coating

AR-P 617 can be spin coated on LabSpin 2 and 3 using the CSAR/PMMA bowlset. A spin curve for AR-P 617.06 is provided below. Process parameters are:

  • Date: January 22nd 2024
  • Coater: LabSpin 3
  • Substrate: 2" Si
  • Acceleration: 1000 RPM/s
  • Time: 60 s
  • Baking temperature: 200C (setpoint at 222C)
  • Baking time: 120 s

AR-P 617.06 spin curve.

Resulting resist thickness can be determined as y = axb+c, where y is thickness [nm], x is spin speed [RPM], a = 65274, b = -0.748 and c = 163.1.

Contrast curve



Dual layer for lift off