Specific Process Knowledge/Lithography/EBeamLithography/SDF-TRAINING
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- 10
%3C JDF 'Training',1 ACC 100 CALPRM '10na_ap7' WARMUP 120 ; Only if need waiting time before exposure DEFMODE 2
GLMDET M ; only used for Alignment CHIPAL 0 ; only used for Alignment HSWITCH OFF,OFF ; only used for Alignment
- -------------------------------------------------------------
END 10
- --------------------- TEMPLATE WITH COMMENTS -----------------
- This is a SDF file template that can be used in Jeol 9500 for file compilation.
- The top section is a working SDF that can be modified to your needs.
- A SDF file (Schedule deck file) always need a JDF counterpart
- A SDF can contain multiple sections, thereby giving possibility to expose from different cassettes, with different currents or different JDF files
- It is recomended to name your SDF, JDF and V30 files the same and like this
- initials date something else. eg. lgpe200130Align
- A SDF file must start with
- capital letters "MAGAZIN" 'TRAINING' then in ´NAME´ a idetification name max 8 characters all capital, no special characters ;
- It is recommended to make division lines to distinguish start and end of sections
- A semicolon ; makes whatever comes next a comment and is neglected by the E-beam when compiling
- All comands must be CAPITAL letters
- Some of the commands must come in a specific order, it is therefore recommended to keep the order of the command lines as written here
- For more detailed information please read the "Sdf-jdf file preparation manual on LabAdviser" found in the E-beam/Jeol section
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- #10 ; #1-10
- Select which cassette is taken from the autoloader cassette 5-10 is dedicated positions:
; #5:Al chip, #6 Al 2", #7: Al 4", #8 Ti 4", #9 Ti2", #10 Ti chip cassette
- %3A ; %3A is size and slot position in the cassette. Use 3 for chip cassette.
; On the cassette front with hook on right side, the positions are named from top left to right and then down (as reading) ; Hence A (top left), B (top right), C (middle/lower left) etc. The 4" Al cassette (#7) is called D, E though
- JDF 'Training',1 ; This calls the JDF in 'Training' to be used, if multiple JDF's are needed make several sections
; ,1 denotes a meta layer most people do not use, please just leave it be
- ACC 100 ; Acceleration voltage of 100keV is used, cannot be changed on the Jeol 9500 (keep this command line)
- CALPRM '0.2na_ap4' ; CALibrationPRograM is called condition file in the E-beam, it specifies the current and aperture needed
; Low current higher resolution and smoother sidewalls, but slower. Large current faster but loosing resolution ; The current and aperture value must fit together, hence look in Calib on the E-beam to find the correct combination ; '0.2na_ap4' only use condition files with a name like this, never backup, PXSHI, Jeol or ending _2D
- DEFMODE 2 ;2 deflector system, primary (1x1mm) subditary (4x4µm) Both deflectors are used (default, do not change)
- ----- Double current exposure - Bulk and sleeve -----
- RESTOR1 ; If Bulk and sleeve/double current is needed, the command RESTOR1 will restore the conditions in the column for the new current
; For Bulk and sleeve/double current it goes: calibrate high->low current, expose Low-> high current
- ---- Alignment----
- GLMDET M ; GLobalMarkDETection Manual global mark detection is used. Global marks are called P (left or top) and Q marks (right or bottom)
- CHIPAL 4 ; CHIPAlignment 4 chip marks are used for alignment. This is used for more accurate alignment of smaller chips
- HSWITCH OFF,ON ; HeightSWITCH denotes which marks global or chip that is used for height meassurement.
- -----End Alignment ----
- RESIST 600 ; RESIST denotes the base dosed used, if modulation is applied in the JDF it modulates from the basedose, a dose of 600 µC/cm2 is used here
- SHOT A,8 ; SHOT A, represent pitch between individual beam shots - steps of 0.25 nm - directly correlated with dose and and current to change Dwelltime
- END 10 ; After exposure, casette 10 remains on the stage - recommemded to keep END same value as # Always!
- More commands are available, please refer to the JEOL manual or contact the responsible person.