Specific Process Knowledge/Thermal Process/Pyrolysis/Pyrolysis with Multipurpose Anneal Furnace

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Pyrolysis Recipes

Because the properties of the final carbon are largely depending on the pyrolysis process as well as the polymer precusors, each parameter has a different influence. By modifying those parameters, the properties of pyrolytic carbon can be tailored. The number of steps, the maximum temperature of each step, the heating rate, the dwell time at the maximum temperature and the gas composition inside the furnace are the parameters that can be changed to control the properties of pyrolytic carbon. At DTU Nanolab, the polymer precusor mostly is SU-8 negative photoresist and high temperature 3D printing resin. Depend on the designed properties of pyrolytic carbon material, pyrolysis process will be optimized.

Optimized Recipe for the conductivity of pyrolytic carbon

Optimized Recipe for the stress of pyrolytic carbon

Optimized Recipe for the porous structure of pyrolytic carbon