Specific Process Knowledge/Characterization/XPS/Raman

From LabAdviser

Raman spectroscopy on XPS Nexsa

Disclaimer on Raman

Raman spectroscopy is a technique that is growing immensely popular. As such, it is likely that the Nexsa will attract users with a demand for Raman spectroscopy. It is, however, not our intention that the Nexsa be used as a stand-alone Raman spectrometer - in some cases even for samples that are not UHV compatible. This kind of demands must be met by a dedicated Raman spectrometer elsewhere. If you cannot come with a reason why it would be a good idea to have Raman spectroscopy in conjunction (or even coincident in the same spot on the sample) with any of the other techniques offered by the Nexsa, you will not be authorized to use the instrument.

Educational videos from Thermofisher

If you are unfamiliar with what Raman can offer, it may be a good idea to spend a while watching Thermofishers own educational videos.

  1. Introduction to Raman
  2. Raman basics
  3. Raman fluorescence
  4. Stokes and anti/Stokes
  5. Building the Raman system: Lasers and FT Raman
  6. FT Raman extended
  7. A deeper look: Theoretical basis
  8. Raman polarization
  9. Raman instrumentation