Specific Process Knowledge/Wafer cleaning/7-up & Piranha

From LabAdviser

Etching of Titanium

Etching of Titanium is done wet at Danchip. We have two solutions for titanium etching:

7-up Piranha
General description

Etch of pure Gold with or without photoresist mask.

Etch of pure Gold (as stripper).

Chemical solution KJ:J:HO (100g:25g:500ml) HCl:HNO (3:1)
Process temperature 20 oC 20 oC
Possible masking materials

Photoresist (1.5 µm AZ5214E)

Unmasked - used as a stripper

Etch rate

~100 nm/min

~(??) nm/min - fast etch

Batch size

1-5 4" wafers at a time

1-5 4" wafer at a time

Size of substrate

2-6" wafers

2-6" wafers